International Café

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Every language is needed.
I'm translating it in Latin...
I'd love to have a go at Latin too if possible:-D
do you want us to post our translation or PM it to you?
I'd love to have a go at Latin too if possible:-D
do you want us to post our translation or PM it to you?

post post.
thus every1 will learn something about another language.
I post the latin one.

insert_date_as=u'Inserere  diem: DIES-MENSIS-ANNUS'
write_something=u'Scribeatis aliquid!'
destroy_all=u'Delere omnia!'
ghost=u'Occultare hoc fenestram!'
unghost=u'Ostendere hoc fenestram!'
info_about=u'De hoc programmate...'
export_all=u'Reponere omnia!'
backup_done=u'Omnia reposita. Ea in scrinium programmatis est.'
nuke_done=u'Omnia deleta.'
wrong_password=u'Signum erratum!'
credits=u'Operis socii'

If is there any error, feel free to tell me.
my take on German

insert_date_as=u'Datum einfuegen Format Wochentag-Monat-Jahr'
write_something=u'Schreiben Sie irgendetwas.'
destroy_all=u'Alles zerstoeren!'
backup_done=u'Die Sicherung wurde erfolgreich durchgefuehrt.Sie finden sie im Installationsordner.'
nuke_done=u'Warum haben Sie diese Aktion durchgeführt?\nAnyway: Alles zerstoert'
wrong_password=u'Falsches Passwort!'
credits=u'Verantwortlich fuer den Inhalt'
[/php]Just change LAN1 with your lang in your lang (Italiano, Français, Espanol,...) and LAN2 with your lan in English (Italian, French, Spanish,...)
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I can give you a hand by translating it to Farsi, Turkish!
Are they included in your second languages? So is the text to be translated to my languages given above? :shock:

detective P
insert_date_as=u'Inserere diem: DIES-MENSIS-ANNUS'
write_something=u'Scribatis aliquid!' or "scribite aliquid"
destroy_all=u'Delere omnia!'
ghost=u'Occultare hanc fenestram!'
unghost=u'Ostendere hanc fenestram!'
info_about=u'De hoc programmate...'
export_all=u'Reponere omnia!'
backup_done=u'Omnia reposita. Ea in scrinio programmatis sunt.'
nuke_done=u'Omnia deleta.'
wrong_password=u'Signum erratum!'
credits=u'Operis socii'

insert_date_as=u'Inserere diem: DIES-MENSIS-ANNUS'
write_something=u'Scribatis aliquid!' or "scribite aliquid"
destroy_all=u'Delere omnia!'
ghost=u'Occultare hanc fenestram!'
unghost=u'Ostendere hanc fenestram!'
info_about=u'De hoc programmate...'
export_all=u'Reponere omnia!'
backup_done=u'Omnia reposita. Ea in scrinio programmatis sunt.'
nuke_done=u'Omnia deleta.'
wrong_password=u'Signum erratum!'
credits=u'Operis socii'


Damn showoff!!!! ;-) I think I'll sit in the corner another few hours!!! You guys are having all the fun! :-(
Damn showoff!!!!
Oh,dear,did I put my foot in it again? I just thought Simo shouldn't go public with these two minor mistakes.
Please,do come back,dear and stop sulking.It's so lonely without you.Did you want to do the Latin bit?I didn't realize and I'm really sorry.I didn't mean to boast.:cry::cry::cry:
Oh,dear,did I put my foot in it again? I just thought Simo shouldn't go public with these two minor mistakes.
Please,do come back,dear and stop sulking.It's so lonely without you.Did you want to do the Latin bit?I didn't realize and I'm really sorry.I didn't mean to boast.:cry::cry::cry:
You love it, Queen Bea!!! Using Latin, a language that is more than 3,000 years old means I'll have to sit in the corner and pout for a very long time!!! :) So, you guys and gals continue to have your fun encrypting messages and I'll practice my new crotchet stitches! When you are finished with your special project, just let me know and I will return to the group!!! :roll:
Don't worry about me, I'll just turn up the volume on my Ipod and listen to some good music!

You love it, Queen Bea!!!
now,dear,how are your stem stitches coming along? and please,could you simply forget about the most exquisite epithet you kindly bestow on me- I'm not at all queen like.:-D
now,dear,how are your stem stitches coming along? and please,could you simply forget about the most exquisite epithet you kindly bestow on me- I'm not at all queen like.:-D
Sure thing, your majesty! I'll refrain from using your official title from now on! :shock:
Sure thing, your majesty! I'll refrain from using your official title from now on! :shock:
come on,if you don't , I'll address you as "Massa"
come on,if you don't , I'll address you as "Massa"
I like 'Massa''s the first half of home state 'Massachusetts! You can even call me 'Chusetts' if you want to!! :)

Where is everybody tonight? Did they forget to invite me to the party? :?:
The important question which comes to my mind at 3:11 AM is:

Why does heidi use 'quotes' more than everyone else in here? :shock::)

Here I am, Detective P., multiquoting again. Why?? Because I can!! ENVY...pure envy!!!:cool:

Because she is the only one who know how to.............and the gap is so long that by then she needs to answer to more than one.

Show thyself more often Heidi.......even if it is only as a silhouette.:lol:
jeje, thanks, Nain and everybody who subscribed. :oops:
I'm not at all queen like.:-D

Not are!!:)

I like 'Massa''s the first half of home state 'Massachusetts! You can even call me 'Chusetts' if you want to!! :)

Where is everybody tonight? Did they forget to invite me to the party? :?:

Oh, I like massa, too. I don't mind at all being called weirdish names. the other day somebody called me "oficina" (office). turned out he wanted to say "officer" and confused the term. I told him though, no problem, you want to call me office? I have no problem with changes. Suits me. No problem at all.:up:

(In any case, I am not here so often nowadays...because I moderate a Spanish-English forum now. That's why this guy called me officer...:lol::lol:)

AS you can see even important people like me....:lilangel: :lol::lol:don't forget their old friends!! :oops:So I will be around!
my take on German

Why you didn't translate dd-mm-yy in something like ww-mm-jj?
Don't the Germans use a short form for day, month and year?

insert_date_as=u'Inserere diem: DIES-MENSIS-ANNUS'

thanks, I did it in a hurry so it was obviusly wrong...
Has someone filed a missing person report for our Bangalore Beuty.
Has someone filed a missing person report for our Bangalore Beuty.
Good gravy, P!!!! Where are you when we need you???? Our good friend Shal has gone missing on us!! Where should we begin to look for her? :?:
Good gravy, P!!!! Where are you when we need you???? Our good friend Shal has gone missing on us!! Where should we begin to look for her? :?:

Don't worry! hmmmmm? The best place to be searched for finding some trace of Shal is here when she was sneaking into the forums in order to take a look at our posts yesterday! She didn't figure it out that I was aware of her presence confidentially!

That's what I supposed to do!
Detective P
Don't worry! hmmmmm? The best place to be searched for finding some trace of Shal is here when she was sneaking into the forums in order to take a look at our posts yesterday! She didn't figure it out that I was aware of her presence confidentially!

That's what I supposed to do!
Detective P
P, Shal's last post was on May 23! I bet she is on holiday! Maybe we should pack our bathing suits and go find her! What do you think? :cool:
P, Shal's last post was on May 23! I bet she is on holiday! Maybe we should pack our bathing suits and go find her! What do you think? :cool:
oh,I'd love to go AWOL - could you wait for me? I just have to get my urn and my present for Shal(in case we actually manage to find her)
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oh,I'd love to go AWOL - could you wait for me? I just have to get my urn and my present for Shal(in case we actually manage to find her)
Pack your bags, Bea! The bus leaves at dawn! Thanks for reminding me about getting a gift Shal! I think I'll pick up an extra quart of chocolate ice cream!

I'll see you when the sun comes up! :)
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