International Café

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Now you can deal with me here. I am the unpaid waiter here, doing the thankless job of entertaining customers. Amigos the greedy owner is busy counting the number of thanks in tips, but never distributes it. Hope he would change someday and repent it.

Again, I am #2!;-)

ok,# 2 let's deal

Hello, friends! How are you doing today? I am doing well!

Today's free English lesson: The word 'alot' (meaning many) does not exist! Remember, it is ALWAYS 'a lot'. "She has a lot of friends!"

a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot

Amigo wrote a lot of 'a lot'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

There will be an exam tomorrow!!! :)

Hi Nora !! :)
I'm fine thanks , how are you ?

Well ,let's see

I'm studing for my exams ,and i didn't finish any thing yet:-?
and every moment i call loji to help me (that's why she gonna kill me):shock:
exept that :roll:
i'm fine:-D
Hello, friends! How are you doing today? I am doing well!

Today's free English lesson: The word 'alot' (meaning many) does not exist! Remember, it is ALWAYS 'a lot'. "She has a lot of friends!"

a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot

Amigo wrote a lot of 'a lot'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

There will be an exam tomorrow!!! :)


well, thank you a lot for this lesson

And finally i met the owner of this awasome cafe:-D
My birthday is
28 Nov 1990

I can't wait to know my sign:-D

Hi girl, Wow you are a Sagittarius. Here you are:​

The Sagittarius woman is an enterprising and resourceful individual who is constantly searching in order to fulfil her dreams.
Sagittarius is the real adventurer of the zodiac and this girl is forever highly charged with creative fire, ever keen for excitement and the opportunities in order to widen her horizons.
This girl loves travel and will have a difficult time standing still. She can be characterized as one who seeks a goal, reaches that goal and then, is off to seek another goal in life.
Perhaps the biggest problem in her life is the need to balance what is real with the ideal, and to endeavour to accept the current state of her life’s responsibilities in order that she may build a solid future.
Sagittarius is referred to the “philosopher of the heavens” and, in keeping, the Sagittarius is always very keen to expand her knowledge and can often be a perpetual student.
The Sagittarius woman’s basic interest is to learn and, in turn to teach what she knows to others. Problems can arise however because the Sagittarius girl can at times believe that she has mastered a skill before she has really done so. This can result in adverse situations through trying to teach on a subject of which she has insufficient knowledge.
The Sagittarius woman can be quite the visionary and is farsighted in her own way, however, she often tends to lack the patience to perfect herself in the practical world.
Irrespective, Sagittarius is the luckiest sign in the zodiac, and the Sagittarius girl will not only manage to survive but will more than likely prosper.

This Sagittarius girl is as much an adventurer in love and romance as she is in everything else. With the sign of Sagittarius often referred to as the
“The bachelor sign,” the Sagittarius woman can often experience some very difficult times when, in committed relationships.
She is a girl who enjoys a great sense of personal freedom and, it is necessary therefore, that she needs to couple with a partner who can allow the Centaur plenty of room in which to move and roam.
The Sagittarius woman is one who is often attracted to the “those in distress” syndrome and she can feel gratified when she is in a position to provide help to another to recover from their emotional problems through the act of loving them.
A Sagittarius woman will commit to and remain with a partner who, is independent by nature, passionately romantic, and one who also possesses the urge to travel and to explore life.
The most compatible signs for our Sagittarius the “Centaur” are those of Aries and Leo and, Libra and Aquarius can also make excellent partnerships with Sagittarius.
Taurus and Cancer relationship are also not the easiest and may require some work and, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo present the greatest relationship challenges for our Sagittarius girl.
ok,# 2 let's deal


Where are the playing cards? And what game are we going to play, Poker?

Hello, friends! How are you doing today? I am doing well!

Today's free English lesson: The word 'alot' (meaning many) does not exist! Remember, it is ALWAYS 'a lot'. "She has a lot of friends!"

a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot

Amigo wrote a lot of 'a lot'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

There will be an exam tomorrow!!! :)

Practise: Amigos writes a lot of bullshit.(Is it correct, amigos?)
well, thank you a lot for this lesson

And finally i met the owner of this awasome cafe:-D
It is always "I" and not "i", stop using that chat English, as early as possiible.:up:

Hi girl, Wow you are a Sagittarius. Here you are:​

The Sagittarius woman is an enterprising and resourceful individual who is constantly searching in order to fulfil her dreams.
Sagittarius is the real adventurer of the zodiac and this girl is forever highly charged with creative fire, ever keen for excitement and the opportunities in order to widen her horizons.
This girl loves travel and will have a difficult time standing still. She can be characterized as one who seeks a goal, reaches that goal and then, is off to seek another goal in life.
Perhaps the biggest problem in her life is the need to balance what is real with the ideal, and to endeavour to accept the current state of her life’s responsibilities in order that she may build a solid future.
Sagittarius is referred to the “philosopher of the heavens” and, in keeping, the Sagittarius is always very keen to expand her knowledge and can often be a perpetual student.
The Sagittarius woman’s basic interest is to learn and, in turn to teach what she knows to others. Problems can arise however because the Sagittarius girl can at times believe that she has mastered a skill before she has really done so. This can result in adverse situations through trying to teach on a subject of which she has insufficient knowledge.
The Sagittarius woman can be quite the visionary and is farsighted in her own way, however, she often tends to lack the patience to perfect herself in the practical world.
Irrespective, Sagittarius is the luckiest sign in the zodiac, and the Sagittarius girl will not only manage to survive but will more than likely prosper.

This Sagittarius girl is as much an adventurer in love and romance as she is in everything else. With the sign of Sagittarius often referred to as the
“The bachelor sign,” the Sagittarius woman can often experience some very difficult times when, in committed relationships.
She is a girl who enjoys a great sense of personal freedom and, it is necessary therefore, that she needs to couple with a partner who can allow the Centaur plenty of room in which to move and roam.
The Sagittarius woman is one who is often attracted to the “those in distress” syndrome and she can feel gratified when she is in a position to provide help to another to recover from their emotional problems through the act of loving them.
A Sagittarius woman will commit to and remain with a partner who, is independent by nature, passionately romantic, and one who also possesses the urge to travel and to explore life.
The most compatible signs for our Sagittarius the “Centaur” are those of Aries and Leo and, Libra and Aquarius can also make excellent partnerships with Sagittarius.

Taurus and Cancer relationship are also not the easiest and may require some work and, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo present the greatest relationship challenges for our Sagittarius girl.
What a great talent we have with us. The lady with the predictions powers. I never knew Devil's Tears may bring so much of joy in the forums.
Now, tell me more about the Taureans,please.
Oh please, Devil's Tears, o please, please pleezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Where are the playing cards? And what game are we going to play, Poker?

Practise: Amigos writes a lot of bullshit.(Is it correct, amigos?)

It is always "I" and not "i", stop using that chat English, as early as possiible.:up:

What a great talent we have with us. The lady with the predictions powers. I never knew Devil's Tears may bring so much of joy in the forums.
Now, tell me more about the Taureans,please.
Oh please, Devil's Tears, o please, please pleezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

aaaaaaaaaa u mean Taurus. r u really Taurus??? Wow it's one of my favourite signs, but they are so jealous.​

Here you are:​

A typical Taurus man comes across as a very calm, quiet, practical, composed, humble as well as levelheaded person. He takes one step at a time, that too after much deliberation. He is not the one who 'falls in the love at the first sight'. A Taurus male will take time to decide whether you are the person with whom he can spend his entire life. However, if he makes up his mind that you are the one for him, he will go to any lengths to win your love. These efforts include being romantic to the core, sending you flowers, writing poems for you, etc.
Taurean men are always protective of their loved ones and will be very gentle and pleasant towards them. When in love, they are very romantic and will express the same with small little gestures. You may be given flowers every other day, taken to the most romantic place in the town and wished on all the important days of your life, like the first time you met him. If you want to stir the emotions of a Taurus male, the best way is to play some soothing, romantic songs. Building castles in the air is not one of the traits of a Taurus guy's personality.
He won't promise you the stars, but he will gift you the diamond necklace you saw in the jewelry shop two days back. With him, you will never feel insecure about the future. His characteristics profile includes qualities like calm strength, stable nature and peaceful ways, all of which are sure to win your heart. A Taurus man does not believe in taking chances and will always be prepared for the worst of circumstances. If you want to attract him, it is better to start brushing up your lady charms right now.
He doesn't want a tomboyish wife. You will be expected to behave like a lady. When you are in a public place, let your Taurean male be the brighter one of the two. Don't misunderstand him. He respects your intelligence, but don't make him feel embarrassed by contradicting his statements in public. If you make this mistake, remember to say sorry afterwards or you are doomed. Never ever try to push him or you will have to face his violent temper. In case you just did that, remain with him and try to calm him. z
Don't even think of going to your mom's flat for the weekend. You are his wife, he loves you and you have to live with him. A Taurus guy will also not tolerate outsiders interfering in his house, be it your mother or anyone else. He wants a girl who is close to him, but is not clinging on to him forever. He wants his freedom and will let you enjoy your freedom too. You will be allowed to indulge in all you feminine fashions. Infact, a Taurean man will enjoy watching you do the typical feminine stuff, that too with patience.
However, remember that he is the boss of the house and come back to him when he asks you to. If you do this, you will be treated with the most pleasant and agreeable husband on this earth. Just let him handle the reins and he will do anything and everything for you. Don't expect him to announce his love ten days after meeting you. Taurean men take time to truly comprehend their emotions, but when they do, they make sure that they get their love. Love blindfolds them and they become generous to all the flaws of the relationship.
A Taurean male loves nature and its beauty. When he settles down, he wants crisp bread, sparkling cutlery and perfectly baked apple pie. Don't expect him to eat that burnt sandwich, without saying anything. As a father, he will be tender, demonstrative, warm and understanding. A Taurus man is extremely hard working and thus, needs to rest every now and then. Don't ever push him or accuse him of being lazy when he is walking at his own leisurely pace. If you are thinking of getting married to him, develop the habit of keeping the house clean and warm.
He wants his home to look like a home, not a garbage dump. Don't worry; he won't be criticizing you all the time. Infact, most of the time, he will be generous to even those faults on which other males complain. Just remember to make a Taurus man feel like the head of the family and let him handle all the responsibilities. He will provide you a cozy nest, which will be full of love, warmth, care and concern. He is stubborn, but only when you provoke him. Otherwise, he is the most patient man you will ever find. Be happy. You have a real man besides you, who will wrap his arms around you, protect you & love you forever!​
My Dear Devil's Tear, see into your globe and tell me, when would I find my lady love?
My Dear Devil's Tear, see into your globe and tell me, when would I find my lady love?
Oh, when shall she give me an answer call?
the Arabain mystic lady with the Crystal ball!
From trying to be a journalist to a being a crystal ball gazer.........that's quite a journey DT.:)

And yes of course, there is more money in this.;-)
Hi, Rania!

It sounds like you are enjoying a wonderful day! Did you do anything special today?

I'm at work . actually I've just finished the prescriber info of one of the 56 items I must do thier profiles :-D
I must feel or pretend that I enjoy .. It needs alot of work ,, time and effort .. :up:
Rania, be sure to be precise! I would hate to see someone wind up with the wrong prescription! :)

Has the flu season passed in Palestine? We still have a large number of people who are sneezing and sniffling in Arizona! :)
I will my friend
No, it hasn't ... but less than month ago .. the weather this month is not stable as you will notice many people has a flu .

But oftenly the weather is good here .. four stable seasons must someday come here , You will be our guests; you and your family
I will my friend
No, it hasn't ... but less than month ago .. the weather this month is not stable as you will notice many people has a flu .

But oftenly the weather is good here .. four stable seasons must someday come here , You will be our guests; you and your family
Thank you for the invitation to visit! Someday I will visit your part of the world! :up:

Is there a great deal of drug abuse in Palestine? Are drugs easily obtained or is a prescription required for most drugs available in the pharmacy?
Hello Amigo!

Did you see the full moon on Sunday night?? Here is the moon from my roof.

No, there is no so much abuse here , Pharmacists Association and the Ministry of Health have strict rules .
There is some of control on pharmacies and physicians .. but to tell the truth we can't avoid abuse completely , but we can say this is somewhat under control
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