International Café

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Where is our dancer? Long time no see!
Your dancer is here. She has a lot of subjects to study them very hard. I've been so busy these days. But why not to spend some time here between my lovely friends but without any punishment please.
Guys seem have dangerous plans to punish us. God help girls.
Keep in touch, See you soon.
OK,now let me see
I'm all set for a wild weekend - and suddenly all the dirty men are gone
Shal,Heidita,where are you now?
You can't leave dithering me to deal with the likes of hunky,lonesome Amigos..
OK,now let me see
I'm all set for a wild weekend - and suddenly all the dirty men are gone
Shal,Heidita,where are you now?
You can't leave dithering me to deal with the likes of hunky,lonesome Amigos..

Fear not, my little Bea! The 'dirty men' are still lurking in the closet! Nain has some spicy postcards he is sharing with us! Just let us know when it is safe to come out of the closet and we'll shower you gals with attention!

Does Heidita still have both barrels of her shotgun loaded??? :cool:
I'm all set for a wild weekend - and suddenly all the dirty men are gone
Indeed, very dirty!:2gunfire:
Shal,Heidita,where are you now?

Well, here I am and launching the question of the day (or for the week end):

Are there no REAL cars left int he States??????:shocked!:

Ok, Denis Quaid was asked by Leno: Can you son drive a stick?

now, Bea and shal, Dally , women ¡¡come forward!! doesn't that even sound rude to you? I only understood through context, tell you the truth!

First: What kind of a question is that? Are new drivers taught in automatic cars????

Second: However can you drive a STICK???

Jesus! What a country!! What a language!!:splat:

Anyway, I for myself was thinking of a witch flying around on her STICK...:p

Next question was: What wheels do you have?

My GOD!!

Americans no only drive STICKS, but also only WHEELS!!! :snipersm:
I'll leave this one to Heidita to explain in great detail to you,Amigos4.

(Just coming in the cafe)
"There seems to be a war going on. "

Blouen, lovely picture. And.....

WELCOME TO THE WAR!!!!!!:2gunfire:

(can't you,just for once,leave well alone - one does get jealous,you know, although one didn't realize one still had it in oneself) certainly does, get jealous I mean.:oops::oops:

I believe, Bea, he has simply fallen for you because your English is better....:puppydog:

Shal, Dally, Blouen..........LET'S CALL IT .....W A R !!!!!!!!:evilbat:
Well, here I am and launching the question of the day (or for the week end):

Are there no REAL cars left int he States??????:shocked!:No, Heidita! We Americans are all a bunch of nimcompoops who are too occupied with using our cell phones in one hand and drinking a cup of overpriced Starbuck's in the other hand to be able to use a stick shift! :)

Ok, Denis Quaid was asked by Leno: Can you son drive a stick?

now, Bea and shal, Dally , women ¡¡come forward!! doesn't that even sound rude to you? I only understood through context, tell you the truth!

First: What kind of a question is that? Are new drivers taught in automatic cars???? Yes! Most US cars have automatic transmissions!

Second: However can you drive a STICK??? Heidita, Sweetheart! Amigo sets his 'stick' to run on automatic! No lessons are needed!! ;-)

Jesus! What a country!! What a language!!:splat: It sure beats speaking Pig Latin in Antarctica!! :up:

Anyway, I for myself was thinking of a witch flying around on her STICK...:p Oh, was that YOU I saw flying around my backyard last night after the Leno show???

Next question was: What wheels do you have? Amigo has 4 wheels on his Honda!

My GOD!! Yes, Heidita? :lilangel:

Americans no only drive STICKS, but also only WHEELS!!! :snipersm:

Maybe Heidita would like to show all the men in the Cafe what a great driver she is!! "Baby, You Can Drive My Car..." ;-)
Maybe Heidita would like to show all the men in the Cafe what a great driver she is!! "Baby, You Can Drive My Car..." ;-)

My GOD!! Yes, Heidita? :lilangel:

I think you are my husband in disguise. He would have said : Well, well, no need to call me God, just call me "my lord"! (señor):lol::lol:

And yes!! Not only was it me flying around in circles with my witch broom but I am a wonderful driver, too.

So I can do both: fly AND drive. Come on, beat me on that!!!:eyes:
I think you are my husband in disguise. Actually, My Little Sweetpea, didn't you recognize me in my sangria-stained lederhosen?

And yes!! Not only was it me flying around in circles with my witch broom but I am a wonderful driver, too. Who taught you how to play with the stick when you first learned to drive? :lol:

So I can do both: fly AND drive. Come on, beat me on that!!!:eyes: You REALLY know how to stick it to a guy, don't you, Broom-Hilda? I double-dare you to fly around my backyard tonight! It's time to renew your license! :cool:
A certainly does, get jealous I mean.:oops::oops: I believe, Bea, he has simply fallen for you because your English is better....:puppydog:
dearest Heidita,that man wouldn't fall for just one woman - too much bother getting up afterwards - when he can have all of them dancing to his tune..

my Toyota unfortunately doesn't respond to gears either
so what about waging war now ? If svaneska has our back ?
I think you are my husband in disguise.
Mine would have joined in the chorus saying: "Now,darling,no need to overdo it - thou shalt not use the name of thy lord in vain - calling me by my first name when among paparazzi will be just fine :lol::lol:
Your dancer is here. She has a lot of subjects to study them very hard. I've been so busy these days. But why not to spend some time here between my lovely friends but without any punishment please.

Guys seem have dangerous plans to punish us. God help girls.
Keep in touch, See you soon.


Yeah, see you dancing!

It was seemed everybody in here is a professional dancer (according to Shal: reffer to post:

Which dancer? Belly-dancer DT or normal dancer-cum-protector Heidi??

But DT is really a super-dancer!

WELCOME TO THE WAR!!!!!!:2gunfire:

wow! What a bad guy! You know detective P needs some more information about the unrest that will be going wrong as someone like Heid is standing for!! We have been requesting for a counter-attack specially for a guy from fans of damn MADRID! :usa

Nothing is OK, you were supposed to guard this place. I see you arm-wrestling the girls, reading poetries to all the ladies etc etc. What about this place. Amigo is paying you to guard this place. If you are tired and give up, you may give the responsibility to Heidi, Bea , Dally and myself...:lol::lol::lol::cool:

I do! But I thought that many of celebrated poets were men NOT Ladies! Amigo hasn't paid for me just a penny! What are you talking about? do you remember what he said? He said "It looks like you have everything under your control" which means "I (Amigo) am naggig for taking advantage of you(Detective P) if I pay you a penny!". Conclusion: He's a kind of stingy man just having his own desires in controling of this Cofe! I think he has to confess who is up to do it!

P.s. I'm a physicist that has some means of proving problems quickly by narrowing the accessible ways down in order to choose the best and effective one! Have you heard this can be satisfied by Amigo's conditions who has only 4 wheels on his Honda?

Hello P,

Its true!! Indians prepare and eat lots!! Its not only the quantity, its also the quality. India has a diversified culture and if you go from state-to-state, you get to eat and taste foods of different culture.

Most of the Indians prepare their food very spicy. You will find a wide variety of desserts and sweets, too!!! Inorder to experience it, you have to taste it!!

Hope all of you are able to visit India once!! And don't forget to contact me then!

I got a very damn whim to take a brief trip to there! Because my dad says If you want to taste their foods, you need to be patient to be falling into the habit of these spicy meals which never been tasted before and this takes a long time being a tradition!

Thanks for Info!
so what about waging war now ? If svaneska has our back ?

Well now. . . I really didn’t want to get drawn in here . . . you are all much toooo clever by far and therefore certainly don’t need me to cover your backs!

I like to keep my head down . . and keep out of the way . . . observing which way things are going and decide whether to slip away quietly . . . as I don’t have any axes to grind!

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So now you’ve all gone off home and left the café to ‘darkness and to me’ . . . nice though, just wandering about here, picking up the odd overturned chair and waiting to see if Detective P is going to show up to take fingerprints . . .

I’ll call back in sometime and have a nice quiet cup of coffee with you then . . . hope to see you Heidi!
Buenas noches.;-)
Well now. . . I really didn’t want to get drawn in here . . . you are all much toooo clever by far and therefore certainly don’t need me to cover your backs!

I like to keep my head down . . and keep out of the way . . . observing which way things are going and decide whether to slip away quietly . . . as I don’t have any axes to grind!


Svaneska, you are wise to keep your head down for awhile! Heidita is flying about on her broom, 'P' is bemoaning his job as a security guard, Bea is driving her Toyota over the furniture, Nain is awestruck by his own poetry, and Shal is inciting riotous behavior from her Sisterhood of Happily Intelligent Troublemakers! (Commonly called S.*.*.T.)

P, please post a sign at the door: "Absolutely No S.*.*.T. allowed in the Cafe between the Hours of 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM! :cool:
Svaneska, you are wise to keep your head down for awhile! Heidita is flying about on her broom, 'P' is bemoaning his job as a security guard, Bea is driving her Toyota over the furniture, Nain is awestruck by his own poetry, and Shal is inciting riotous behavior from her Sisterhood of Happily Intelligent Troublemakers! (Commonly called S.*.*.T.)

Me? Inciting riotous behaviour? This is how I look and how I am::angel:. How could an angel create so much trouble??:oops:
Originally Posted by heidita certainly does, get jealous I mean.:oops::oops: I believe, Bea, he has simply fallen for you because your English is better....:puppydog:
dearest Heidita,that man wouldn't fall for just one woman - too much bother getting up afterwards - when he can have all of them dancing to his tune..

Completely agree with you, Bea. The "handsome hunk" has got all women falling at his feet and saying, "Yes master"!!! I can see all the girls impatiently waiting to get a glimpse of him!!
Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! You honor me greatly with your flattering words! I am honored to be your 'amigo'! Thank you very much!

Best wishes to all for a fabulous weekend!

Let me just say my "SENTENCE OF THE DAY":

Did you hear about the optometrist who fell into a lens grinder and made a spectacle of himself?


Svaneska, you are wise to keep your head down for awhile! Heidita is flying about on her broom, 'P' is bemoaning his job as a security guard, Bea is driving her Toyota over the furniture, Nain is awestruck by his own poetry, and Shal is inciting riotous behavior from her Sisterhood of Happily Intelligent Troublemakers! (Commonly called S.*.*.T.)

P, please post a sign at the door: "Absolutely No S.*.*.T. allowed in the Cafe between the Hours of 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM! :cool:

So Amigo, you think is it gonna have a hold on her troubled irritating plans or even herself as a headmistress of S.*.*.T.?:-D If yes, I'll do it right away!

Did you hear about the optometrist who fell into a lens grinder and made a spectacle of himself?

Hey, heid, are you required to begin your day with such a creepy question?!:-D

As a matter of fact, I have had some bad senses for the fans of damn MADRID, and I think It's going to be true!:-D:-D

Do not utilize the fried chicken for dinner as it will causes to have a very irritating night as well as thinking of a question too ... to be asked in the beginning of morning!!

Don't forget everything is at my hands unless it's connected to Shal :)shock:)!


P.s. Absolutely No S.*.*.T. allowed in the Cafe between the Hours of 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM!
Hey, heid, are you required to begin your day with such a creepy question?!:-D

Yes, p, the cheerleader, head of staff Mister God-Amigo :lol::lol:, told me, listen, ask something weird every day. So I am jsut following orders!!

As everybody knows: I always follow orders to the letter! Ask my husband ......:angel:

As a matter of fact, I have had some bad senses for the fans of damn MADRID, and I think It's going to be true!:-D:-D

Dear p, envy is easting you up!!:sleeping:that's Barsa, sleeeeeping...
Do not utilize the fried chicken for dinner as it will causes to have a very irritating night as well as thinking of a question too ... to be asked in the beginning of morning!!

Don't you see? My computer is so burning hot I can use it as a grill!! :silly:

Don't forget everything is at my hands unless it's connected to Shal :)shock:)!


POWER TO WOMEN!!:cheers:
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