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With gas or without?????

Just read the newest news from Physics World! This is happening on Wednesday ahead!

Thanks to a legion of science fiction stories, black holes are easily among the most terrifying objects in the universe. It is easy to understand why: these mysterious collapsed stars suck in and destroy everything around them. Get too close and nothing in the universe could save you from their clutches.
Fortunately, real black holes only exist in the depths of space, too far from the Earth to be of much concern. But an American physicist has put forward the idea that an experiment here on Earth regularly creates objects that bear a striking resemblance to real black holes, albeit tiny ones.
Horatiu Nastase of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, thinks that the intense fireballs created in an atom-smashing experiment at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York have remarkable similarities to the celestial phenomena.
But, worry not, the fireballs are nothing dangerous - they last for a mere 100,000 billion billionths of a second and do not seem to have much impact on the matter around them.
A real black hole is made from a massive star that has collapsed on itself - the gravitational force it exerts on the space around it means that matter is drawn towards it.
Prof Nastase's work is purely theoretical. But even if it proved to be completely correct, the amount of matter involved in typical particle accelerator experiments is so small that any gravitational effects of the mini "black hole" would be inconsequential.
"A black hole that can do interesting or scary things has to be quite large," said Andrew Jaffe, a cosmologist at Imperial College.
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven throws the nuclei of large atoms, such as gold, together at close to the speed of light. The ensuing collision creates enough heat to produce a plasma 300 million times hotter than the surface of the sun.
For the briefest of moments, the nuclei break down into their constituent bits - particles called quarks and gluons - a state of matter that has not existed since a microsecond after the big bang that began the universe.
Analysing this process usually involves some horribly complicated quantum physics. But Prof Nastase decided instead to try a different tack and use string theory.
This bizarre idea is the prime candidate to solve the biggest problem in theoretical physics: how to describe the fundamental forces of nature in a single, coherent theory.
He showed that the core of the fireball had some of the characteristics of a black hole - 10 times more particles were being absorbed by the fireball than any quantum physics calculations could predict.
He said the particles were disappearing into the fireball before coming back out again as thermal radiation, rather as real black holes suck in matter from around them and re-emit "Hawking" radiation.
The problem for string theorists has always been that their work does not have experimental data to back it up, so many physicists are sceptical. But Prof Nastase's idea could begin to turn the tide.
Whatever happens, modern physics cannot create any damaging black holes here on Earth. "A few particles that you can push together in an accelerator ain't going to hurt anybody," Dr Jaffe said.

My science says that I'm just required to have opponents' back!

Hello P, welcome to the world of cosmology and various contradicting therories. The Big bang theory died its natural death in 1990s, now the scientists are concentrating on the alternate theories. See Inflationary Universe theory. Also try key words like(apart from Black Hole) White dwarf, supernova,neutron star, Chandrasekhar limit, Quiet state theory.

And yes Amigo, there is always air in your water, how else would fish breath oxygen in water.(Air is sparringly soluble in water and by taking in a large amount of water through its gills, the fish is actually extracting air from a large quantity of water, and later passing it out, just the way we breath air. Strange ways of nature, you never stop wondering)
Hello P, welcome to the world of cosmology and various contradicting therories. The Big bang theory died its natural death in 1990s, now the scientists are concentrating on the alternate theories. See Inflationary Universe theory. Also try key words like(apart from Black Hole) White dwarf, supernova,neutron star, Chandrasekhar limit, Quiet state theory.

And yes Amigo, there is always air in your water, how else would fish breath oxygen in water.(Air is sparringly soluble in water and by taking in a large amount of water through its gills, the fish is actually extracting air from a large quantity of water, and later passing it out, just the way we breath air. Strange ways of nature, you never stop wondering)
Hi, SUDH! Of course there is always 'air' in water! The question for 'drinking water' is: with gas or without gas?
Drinking water with gas means those colas, which I am totally against. Prefer plain water.
Have you ever tried Nes Café?
Drinking water with gas means those colas, which I am totally against. Prefer plain water.

That's not true, sud, sweetie. In Spain, as well as in France, I am sure in many other countries , too, we get naturally fizzy water from natural sources.

Natural and artificial carbonation
Carbonation can occur as a result of natural processes: when yeast ferments dissolved sugars sealed in a pressure-tolerant bottle or keg; when underground volcanic carbon dioxide carbonates well water; or when rainwater passes through limestone into a cave and forms a stalactite.

Funny story on this from The Times


Don't even talk about it!!:down:

the frappé one is good, they say.

But I prefer Tea.

Today I'm meeting my American cousins...
I'm almost leaving... We're doing a welcome party...

As usual I'll have to do the photos...
I prefer to photograph kitties not kiddies but I have to.

See ya.


If somebody knows something about the journalist John Grogan, as I asked 3 or 2 pages ago, I'm here...
I'll drink water. Thank you :-?

With gas or without?????

Hi, SUDH! Of course there is always 'air' in water! The question for 'drinking water' is: with gas or without gas?

That's not true, sud, sweetie. In Spain, as well as in France, I am sure in many other countries , too, we get naturally fizzy water from natural sources.
Then what is the meaning of water with gas or without gas(are you refering to gasoline?)!
Then what is the meaning of water with gas or without gas(are you refering to gasoline?)!
In a restaurant, when ordering bottled drinking water the waiter will ask you if you want your water with gas (carbonated) or without gas (non-carbonated). Water 'with gas' has nothing to do with gasoline. :)

In a restaurant, when ordering bottled drinking water the waiter will ask you if you want your water with gas (carbonated) or without gas (non-carbonated). Water 'with gas' has nothing to do with gasoline. :)

When I am the waiter then who are you to ask such questions?:-o:shock::-|
I took the photos I've talked about hours ago.
The party was funny.
I took the photos I've talked about hours ago.
The party was funny.
Was the party having too many members?
Were you paid for taking photographs of those kitties?
As usual I'll have to do the photos...
I prefer to photograph kitties not kiddies but I have to.
They were kiddies and they were my cousins.
I'm not going to get paid.

At the party we were 13.

(BTW has someone read my questions about J.G.?)
Hello P, welcome to the world of cosmology and various contradicting therories. The Big bang theory died its natural death in 1990s, now the scientists are concentrating on the alternate theories. See Inflationary Universe theory. Also try key words like(apart from Black Hole) White dwarf, supernova,neutron star, Chandrasekhar limit, Quiet state theory.

Sudh, you are superficially so good in physics world news and I appreciate it! The point that any cosmologist can not hold back is to believe in all the things whose validities are really unknown, but not out of the box! In cosmology you really could not tend to have an idea very special because the universe is not something like a house or a Hydrogen atom! It is infinite or maybe is finite! When cosmologists are led to a cul-de-sac in defining a cosmological model, they are going to try to philosophize their ideas about the universe and its origin or even its center that recently has been makin' a struggle among physicists! The Big Bang has such a position in late physics and all the physicists who believe in it have been trying to make it as the reason of what we are seeing now! But ahead of this way they got many mathematical and physical snags that could not be proven all the way! So they need something to undo the knot and it is theology! All we are going to see is an emperical proof of the Big Bang if it happened back to milliard years ago for all who want to get rid of theological ideas of physics! ;-)

I am also hoping that someday they are able to prove that special theory or relativity with the help of motion of stars. Just cannot believe the universe is ever expanding.

If the world comes to an end, may all my posts be credited among my friends here in fourm equally. Any odd figure left may be credited additionally to Amigos.

Signed and stamped


If the world comes to an end, may all my posts be credited among my friends here in fourm equally. Any odd figure left may be credited additionally to Amigos.

Signed and stamped

Thank you my dear friend! If you get to hell before I do be sure to save me a place by the air conditioning unit and the cappuccino machine! :up:;-)
Beginning of the end for some!
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