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Looks like it is not my Destiny. Every time I try, something bad happens to my pc.

Well, I've tried (and I've improved my programming skills).

Who'd like to translate a software of mine into فارسی (farsi) or عَرَبيْ ([classic] arabic)?

I'd like to do both for you! So what is it supposed to do when I'm done with translating?

could anybody enlighten me as to how I get to type Greek letters ?:-D
I'd like to do both for you! So what is it supposed to do when I'm done with translating?


Ok, I post a little file using the forum tag
 and you'd translate the things written in red. All the orange things are little hints.

#here just change the first ENGLISH with the name of thr language written in the language. The second one with its name written in English don't translate "UTF-8" and "version"

date_abbr=u'dd-mm-yyyy' #abbreviate date, users must insert the date (eg. 1 july 2008 as: ١٤٢٩-٠٦-٢٦ if to abbreviate جمادى الثانية as a number and if you write daynumber-monthnumber-year)
insert_date_as=u'Insert a date as DAY-MONTH-YEAR'
write_something=u'Write whatever you want' # In Greek I've translated with Γραψε κατί that means "write something" 
save=u'Save it!' #In Greek is just "Save"
load=u'Load it!'
destroy_all=u'Destroy Everything!'
ghost=u'Hide Me!' #me is the window
unghost=u'Show Me!' 
info_about=u'About' #about this software
backup_done=u'Backup Done. You find it in the installation folder.'
nuke_done=u'Everything destroyed' #everything = every file
wrong_password=u'Wrong Password!'
credits=u'Credits' #credits: who worked on this software
When you've done just post the results.
I think we'll be (we = we who are visitor of this thread) happy to learn something about two brand new languages.
could anybody enlighten me as to how I get to type Greek letters ?:-D

Seba linked you two good websites.
But I'd like to advise you: those website don't use the Greek "official" keyboard layout.

If you use Windows or Linux+Gnome maybe I can help you.
And I've decided that I'll try again.

My little test is over!

I've written from 0 a file browser and a menu (a button that opens my file browser)

the file browser can't remove non-empty directories but I think it's ok anyway.

If someone wants to continue my work or just look @ the code, he can.
(a zip file is attached. the programming language is python)



    1.9 KB · Views: 2
The following is the farsi-version of your work. Enjoy it.

فارسی - ENGLISH - UTF-8

date_abbr=u'11 تیر 1387' (Today’s date in Persian Calender)
insert_date_as=u'تاریخ را به صورت سال-ماه-روز وارد کنید'
write_something=u'هر چه می خواهید، بنویسید' 
save=u'ذخیره کن!' 
load=u'بارگذاری کن!'
destroy_all=u'همه ی فایلها را از بین ببر! '   (Notice: Why did you write “destroy everything” here? Is it tied into a trojan-material?)
ghost=u'پنجره را مخفی کن!!' 
unghost=u'پنجره را نشان بده!' 
info_about=u'درباره ی'
backup_done=u'پشتیبانی انجام شد. می توانید پشتیبانی انجام گرفته را در داخل پوشه ی نصب پیدا کنید.'
nuke_done=u'همه ی فایل ها از بین رفتند.' 
password=u'رمز؟'   (Hint: In Farsi, we use the farsi-copy of ‘password’ which is: پسوورد)
wrong_password=u'رمز ورودی، اشتباه است!'

proof.beh said:
The following is the farsi-version of your work. Enjoy it.
Thank you!!!!!!

فارسی - ENGLISH - UTF-8
date_abbr=u'11 تیر 1387' (Today’s date in Persian Calender)
insert_date_as=u'تاریخ را به صورت سال-ماه-روز وارد کنید'
write_something=u'هر چه می خواهید، بنویسید'
save=u'ذخیره کن!'
load=u'بارگذاری کن!'
destroy_all=u'همه ی فایلها را از بین ببر! '
ghost=u'پنجره را مخفی کن!!'
unghost=u'پنجره را نشان بده!'
info_about=u'درباره ی'
backup_done=u'پشتیبانی انجام شد. می توانید پشتیبانی انجام گرفته را در داخل پوشه ی نصب پیدا کنید.'
nuke_done=u'همه ی فایل ها از بین رفتند.'
password=u'رمز؟' (Hint: In Farsi, we use the farsi-copy of ‘password’ which is: پسوورد)
wrong_password=u'رمز ورودی، اشتباه است!'


If in Farsi password is پسوورد , why did you use the Arabic name?

Another thing: the first on (date_abbr) shouldn't be the date but a text that tells the user to insert the day with 2 numbers, the month with 2 numbers too and the year with 4 numbers. [English dd-mm-yyyy means: "write the date as day(2)-month(2)-year(4)", Italian: gg-mm-aaaa (= giorno(2)-mese(2)-anno(4) )]

(Notice: Why did you write “destroy everything” here? Is it tied into a trojan-material?)
Nope, is a diary software with encoded files that can be destroyed...

Just a little question about the language:

Why when you translate "password?" the "?" is at the end (رمز؟) but when you use "!" it is in the beginning (ذخیره کن!)?
Is it a difference between Arabic (because I've checked and رمز is Arabic) and Persian?

Thank you!!!!!!

If in Farsi password is پسوورد , why did you use the Arabic name?

Because Farsi is not quite pure!:-| For an instance, in farsi you can see 'توالت' which is originally a French word in the meaning of 'toilet'! Or 'سعی' which is arabic!
Another thing: the first on (date_abbr) shouldn't be the date but a text that tells the user to insert the day with 2 numbers, the month with 2 numbers too and the year with 4 numbers. [English dd-mm-yyyy means: "write the date as day(2)-month(2)-year(4)", Italian: gg-mm-aaaa (= giorno(2)-mese(2)-anno(4) )]

the style is:

1387 (2008)/ (June)(تیر=04)/

Just a little question about the language:

Why when you translate "password?" the "?" is at the end (رمز؟) but when you use "!" it is in the beginning (ذخیره کن!)? It's just a technical problem! In the Word Software I was tryping in Farsi and after copying the context into the PHP brackets it was changed all of a sudden! We ever use '! or ?' respectively at the end of exclamatory and questionable sentences!
Is it a difference between Arabic (because I've checked and رمز is Arabic) and Persian?
No! They both use 'رمز'! But پسوورد is definitely farsi, because in arabic we don't have 4 characters as follows:


where only we can see these characters is in Farsi Language!


This would be okay:

فارسی - ENGLISH - UTF-8

date_abbr=u'11 تیر 1387' (Today’s date in Persian Calender)
insert_date_as=u'تاریخ را به صورت سال-ماه-روز وارد کنید'
write_something=u'هر چه می خواهید، بنویسید'
save=u'ذخیره کن!'
load=u'بارگذاری کن!'
destroy_all=u'همه ی فایلهارا از بین ببر!' (Notice: Why did you write “destroy everything” here? Is it tied into a trojan-material?)
ghost=u'پنجره را مخفی کن!'
unghost=u'پنجره را نشان بده!'
info_about=u'درباره ی'
backup_done=u'پشتیبانی انجام شد. می توانید پشتیبانی انجام گرفته را در داخل پوشه ی نصب پیدا کنید.'
nuke_done=u'همه ی فایل ها از بین رفتند.'
password=u'رمز؟' (Hint: In Farsi, we use the farsi-copy of ‘password’ which is: پسوورد)
wrong_password=u'رمز ورودی، اشتباه است!'

Note that In Farsi we use Arabic numbers, however, it's not shown above because of technical problems!

Hope this helps!
Thank you very much.

(We are misunderstanding each other about the date_abbr thing, aren't we?)
If you have to suggest someone that he has to insert a date as day number/year number/month number but in a short way [en: gg/mm/yyyy] how do you do?

The man whose interview I've asked for replied!

So, I wanted to make sure I don't forget to respond to you. Thanks for all of your kind words. I'm honored that you want to interview me and will gladly participate. Also, feel free to translate any comics you like. I only ask that if you could possibly send me a couple so I can see what they look like in another language.

Now the last part is why I didn't respond immediately and am slightly hesitant responding now. I would love to give you an autograph, but I kinda want to do something special and I can't figure out what. Go ahead and send me your address and I'll figure something out and send it to you.

-Tom Dobrosielski

I was thinking to replay something like:

Thank you very much.
I've attached some translated strips.

About the interview: I may be away from my PC for a week or two but I'll write my questions as soon as I'll find a monitor and a keyboard.

My address is:

Your faithfully,
Simone Ramacci

I hope somebody will reply before 22.50 (GMT+1) because I'm leaving tomorrow morning (I'm going to my granny's house in Venice).
Thank you very much.

(We are misunderstanding each other about the date_abbr thing, aren't we?)
If you have to suggest someone that he has to insert a date as day number/year number/month number but in a short way [en: gg/mm/yyyy] how do you do?


In Farsi, 'year' is سال, 'day' is روز and 'month is ماه
In Arabic, 'year' is عام, 'day' is یوم and 'month is شهر
So we just say:

yyyy/mm/dd ===> ر/م/س e.g. 1387/04/12

Hope this helps!

The man whose interview I've asked for replied!

I was thinking to replay something like:

Thank you very much.
I've attached some translated strips.

About the interview: I may be away from my PC for a week or more, but I'm going to ask my questions as soon as I get a monitor and a keyboard.

My address is:

Your faithfully,
Simone Ramacci

I hope somebody will reply before 22.50 (GMT+1) because I'm leaving tomorrow morning (I'm going to my granny's house in Venice).


thank you.

(Would you please check if what I wrote in the final translation file is correct?)

If there is any error, just correct the file and attach it to your message.



    926 bytes · Views: 2
The man whose interview I've asked for replied!

I was thinking to replay something like:

Thank you very much.
I've attached some translated strips.

About the interview: I may be away from my PC for a week or two but I'll write my questions as soon as I'll find a monitor and a keyboard.

My address is:

Your faithfully,
Simone Ramacci

I hope somebody will reply before 22.50 (GMT+1) because I'm leaving tomorrow morning (I'm going to my granny's house in Venice).
Way to go, Sim! I am impressed by your abundant energy! For a lad of 14 you are quite busy! :up:

May I recommend the following response:

Dear Tom, (or Mr. Dobrosielski )

Thank you very much for replying to my request in such a timely manner.

I am excited that you have given me permission to translate your comic strips. Attached are some examples of my translations. I hope you enjoy seeing your work written in a different language!

I am leaving tomorrow for a brief vacation and will be away from my computer during that time. When I return I will send you a list of questions for our interview.

I think it would be special if you would autograph and return one of the translated strips that I have attached to this e-mail.

My address is:

Thank you, again, for your willingness to work with me on this special project!

Yours faithfully,
Simone Ramacci
I got a review on the project and I found a minor problem which in the new attached file it has been gone!

Have fun!

View attachment 408
Way to go, P!!!! Thanks for helping our Latin Genius!!!! :up: You are a kind friend! ;-)

You're welcome!

It's my duty to help him when he needs me! And I wish to thank you too for editing the letter beautifully that our lad has written it!


When you were 14, were you as advanced in school/life as Sim appears to be???? When I was 14 I was only interested in playing baseball and having a fun time with my friends! Sim is an amazing young man!

I got a review on the project and I found a minor problem which in the new attached file it has been gone!

Have fun!

Thank you!!!

(In an hour or two I'll be on a train to Venice)
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