International Café

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Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , I`m here ! And brought with me a hot chocolate .-Do you want some ?
And I want to ask from you something , what do you thinnking about hypnoze ? I just was reading about it and want to know your opinion ,too :roll:
it seems like my net got the infection again :lol:
please give me some of the hot chocolate :)

BTW what is hypnoze ??
it seems like my net got the infection again :lol:
please give me some of the hot chocolate :)

BTW what is hypnoze ??

There you`re - I brought for You some chocolate , too;-)
And hypnoze is -when you`re under of influence by someone ...
It`s also one of medical treatment for stress - it calls hypnotherapy.But sometimes it goes to more deepness of your mind , also there are more great hypnotists who can extracts informations from your brain.
By the way , what is means BTW ???
There you`re - I brought for You some chocolate , too;-)
And hypnoze is -when you`re under of influence by someone ...
It`s also one of medical treatment for stress - it calls hypnotherapy.But sometimes it goes to more deepness of your mind , also there are more great hypnotists who can extracts informations from your brain.
By the way , what is means BTW ???

Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa now I get it ..

Actually I don't like to believe in that but it's real .. I saw an hypnotist work on some people and the record it then show them what they looked like and they just get shocked they even tryed it on a very famous Arabic singer "Asalah Nasri" .. it seemed creepy :lol:

Thanks for the tasty hot chocolate

BTW, "BTW" means By The Way .. ;-)
Eh , I`m so stupid BTW - by the way:lol:
Hey , I want to change my avatar , what is your opinion about It:?:
Quick word , pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........
Eh , I`m so stupid BTW - by the way:lol:
Hey , I want to change my avatar , what is your opinion about It:?:
Quick word , pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........

No one is stupid, my dear.
New avatar? May it be a bee?
No one is stupid, my dear.
New avatar? May it be a bee?

Thanks , hanky - these words seems affected on me - this non-stupidness:lol: It was just a joke .BTW(like Be)it`s first time I`m talking with you , hanky !
And my avatar is definitely is not bee;-)
Maybe Be will find it out...
I like your avatar dear Asli but you can change it whenever you want... and BTW you're not stupid Dr. ;-)
Thanks , hanky - these words seems affected on me - this non-stupidness:lol: It was just a joke .BTW(like Be)it`s first time I`m talking with you , hanky !
And my avatar is definitely is not bee;-)
Maybe Be will find it out...

The first time? I dont think so. Are you moonz's sister?
The first time? I dont think so. Are you moonz's sister?

Yes , hanky !I`m absolutely true - it`s our first meeting;-)
And why you`re thinking that I`m moonz`s sister:?:
Beeee , you`re first one who`s saying you`d liked my avatar:lol::-DSo I`ll not change it ...
Yes , hanky !I`m absolutely true - it`s our first meeting;-)
And why you`re thinking that I`m moonz`s sister:?:
Beeee , you`re first one who`s saying you`d liked my avatar:lol::-DSo I`ll not change it ...
Yes, Dr. Asli, the present Avatar is good, the next Avatar may carry some injection(my word). We are happy with the present Avatar and also like it. You may change it 30 years later.
Happy Eid-ul-Zuha
Happy Eid everyone ...

Join us in the celecrations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

BR ;-)
We are here.
Do you think I need a haircut?????? :)
I wish to quote Norinet on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha, with many thanks for taking pains to acquaint us with the story:
Abraham's Sacrifice

WHEN Abraham was a hundred years old, Sarah gave him a son. They called him "Isaac," meaning "Laughter," for Sarah said, "God has made me laugh, and everyone who hears of' it shall laugh with me."
Abraham and Sarah loved Isaac with all their hearts because he had been sent as God had promised, to make them happy in their old age. But God wanted to test Abraham, to see whether he loved his son more than he loved God. One night God said to Abraham, "Take Isaac and go to a mountain that I shall show you. There offer me your son as a sacrifice."
Abraham became very sad. As he had always obeyed God, he was ready to obey Him now. He cut wood for the sacrifice. With two servants and his son, he set out to find the place that God would show him.
After three days they came to a mountain called Mount Moriah. Abraham said to his servants, "Stay here while Isaac and I go up the mountain to offer a sacrifice."
Abraham placed the wood upon the shoulders of Isaac, while he himself carried the fire and a knife. As they were going up the mountain, Isaac asked, "Father, we have the fire and wood, but where is the victim for the sacrifice?"
His father answered, "God will give us a victim for the sacrifice."
When they came to the place for the sacrifice, they made an altar and put the wood upon it. Then Abraham tied Isaac and laid him upon the wood.
Just as Abraham was about to strike his son with the knife, an angel touched his hand and said, "Abraham, do not kill your son. God knows now that you truly love Him, for you are ready to sacrifice Isaac at His command."
These words made Abraham very happy. He saw a sheep caught in the bushes. He took the sheep and offered it to God as a sacrifice, instead of his son.
Then the angel told Abraham that God would bless him for this offering he had made, that he would have very many descendants, and that from his family the Savior of the world would one day be born.
Isaac carrying the wood up the mountain is a picture of Jesus who carried His cross up the hill to Calvary, to offer Himself for the sins of the world. Although God saved Abram- ham's son, for love of us He did not save His own Son from death.
God said to Abraham, "I will bless you And in your family shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice."
Before Abraham died he saw how God carried out this promise. He secured for Isaac a wife from among his relatives. Her name was Rebekah. Although God blessed him, he had no children. He prayed to God, and God heard his prayer.
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