Topic: Questions

How to teach question formation

Category: English Grammar Topic: Questions
Tips on presenting and practising making questions in English, including wh- questions, yes/ no questions, subject questions and indirect questions/ embedded questions

How to teach subject questions

Category: English Grammar Topic: Questions
Teaching tips and classroom activities for wh word + main verb questions, including subject question games.

How to teach indirect questions

Category: English Grammar Topic: Questions
Embedded questions games and teaching tips

How to teach small talk questions with how

Category: Teaching English Topic: Questions
Teaching how to ask, respond to and extend conversations with "How are you?", "How was your weekend?" etc.

How to teach short answers

Category: English Grammar Topic: Questions
Teaching tips and game ideas for short answers like "Yes, I do", "No, he hasn't" and "Yes, there are"

How to teach Yes/ No questions

Category: English Grammar Topic: Questions
Teaching tips and classroom games/ activities to present and practise Yes/ No questions like "Is this umbrella yours?" and "Did you have a good time?"

Students who are reluctant to ask questions

Category: Teaching English Topic: Questions
What do you do when you find that students are reluctant to ask questions about the class or their homework?

Lesson Plan: What are you doing? I'm (action)

Category: Vocabulary Topic: Questions
A lesson plan to teach young learners how to answer the question "What are you doing?" with "I'm (action)".

Changing Wh-questions with do, does, or did into indirect questions - a handout

Category: English Grammar Topic: Questions
A handout on changing Wh-questions with do, does, or did into indirect questions

Changing Wh-questions with the be verb to indirect questions - a handout

Category: English Grammar Topic: Questions
A teacher handout covering changing Wh-questions with the be verb to indirect questions

What do you see? I see a (noun). Lesson Plan for Young Learners

Category: Young Learners Topic: Questions
A lesson plan to teach young learners how to answer "What do you see?" with "I see a (noun)"

"Do you like (noun)?" Lesson Plan for Young Learners

Category: Young Learners Topic: Questions
A lesson plan to teach young learners how to answer "Do you like (noun)?" with either "Yes, I do" or "No, I don't".

Lesson Plan: What colour is it? It's (colour)

Category: Vocabulary Topic: Questions
A lesson plan to teach young learners how to answer "What colour is it?" with "It's (colour)".

Teaching the five W's - Who, What, Where, Why, When

Category: English Grammar Topic: Questions
A short lesson plan on teaching students interrogative pronouns

"How are you?" Lesson Plan for Young Learners

Category: Young Learners Topic: Questions
A lesson plan to teach young learners "How are you?" and "I'm (adjective)".
