Quiz: And & But

This is a beginner-level quiz containing 12 multichoice quiz questions from our 'conjunctions' category. Simply answer all questions and press the 'Grade Me' button to see your score. This exercise is also available as a printable worksheet.

To access the printable version of this quiz, view our 'And & But' Worksheet.

And & But Quiz

Exercise Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - In winter, it is cold ____ wet.
Q2 - I couldn't really afford it, ____ I bought it.
Q3 - It was a very long day ____ I was tired by the end of it.
Q4 - It's an old black ____ white film.
Q5 - It was an easy test ____ I failed.
Q6 - She tried hard ____ managed to do it.
Q7 - The dog looks friendly ____ he's dangerous.
Q8 - I didn't like the idea ____ agreed to do it.
Q9 - My application was late ____ they rejected it.
Q10 - It cost a lot of money ____ I was very disappointed because it didn't work properly.
Q11 - He's a fair ____ unpleasant man.
Q12 - I was grateful for their help, ____ a bit embarrassed at having to ask to borrow the money.
