The usage of present participle

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Oct 2, 2010
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In the process of learning English, creative homework can help students integrate the knowledge from the text into daily life, making learning more interesting.

Through creative assignments, students can continuously explore their own inspiration, ponder problems, and obtain thoughtful results, providing more motivation for English learning.

Are the above two sentences correct? Why can we use present participle here?
In the process of learning English, creative homework can help students integrate the knowledge from the text into daily life, making learning more interesting.
That one is okay, but I would say "making the experience of learning" instead of just "making learning".
Through creative assignments, students can continuously explore their own inspiration, ponder problems, and obtain thoughtful results, providing more motivation for English learning.
That one is awkward, unnatural in parts, and somewhat ambiguous. I suggest you rephrase it in a clear and straightforward manner.
Are the above two sentences correct?
See above.
Why can we use present participles here?
As I said, the first is okay, but the second is not; it suggests that students ... provide motivation.
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