She's very optimistic and emotional.

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Is this correct grammatically?

She's very optimistic and emotional. She hates watching sad movies or listening to sad music.
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Re: Is this correct grammatically?

The grammar is fine. I'd prefer and to or in the second sentence, but that is a very small point.
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Welcome to the forum, Mitch.:)

Please note that I have changed your thread title and put your question into the main body of your post.

Extract from the Posting Guidelines:

'Thread titles should include all or part of the word/phrase being discussed.'
Optimistic and emotional are opposite attributes, so would optimistic but emotional be better?
I don't see opposition between optimistic and emotional. Why can't a person be both at once?
They are positive and negative attributes to me.
Many if not most people have both positive and negative attributes. To take an egregious example, Ted Bundy was strikingly handsome, charming, and apparently very attractive to women. On the negative side he was rather fond of murdering them.
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There's nothing negative about being emotional. Being over-emotional might be an issue. Maybe you could say she was optimistic and sensitive.
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