If you sell a car to a Chinese customer, you might spend lots of time negotiating the price with him.

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Mar 4, 2019
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Are the usages of type 1 condition in the following sentence acceptable logically and grammatically?

Chinese people are very sensitive about prices.
So, if you sell a car to a Chinese customer, you will spend lots of time negotiating the price with him.
On the other hand, if you buy a car from a Chines supplier, you also have to negotiate the price with him because he might be willing to provide you with a lower price.
type 1 condition
Again, these structures are called conditionals.
Chinese people are very sensitive about prices.
That is a sweeping generalization. I'm sure they're not all like that.
So, If you sell a car to a Chinese thrifty customer, you will/might spend lots of time negotiating the price with them. him.
While "him" is not wrong, it excludes female customers.
That sentence above uses the first conditional structure. The other one uses the zero-conditional structure. However, it's not very natural and misspells "Chinese".
Again, these structures are called conditionals.

That is a sweeping generalization. I'm sure they're not all like that.

While "him" is not wrong, it excludes female customers.
That sentence above uses the first conditional structure. The other one uses the zero-conditional structure. However, it's not very natural and misspells "Chinese".
So it should be "If you buy a car from a Chinese supplier, you also have to negotiate the price with them" right?
That's grammatical.
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