Diary - Yesterday, my teacher and I discussed the impact of corporal punishmen


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Feb 23, 2017
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This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Yesterday, my teacher and I discussed the impact of corporal punishment on children. I remember my mum used to spank me at times. However, after my younger brother came to this world, she spanked me fewer because compared to my brother, I was a very good child. Although I don’t like corporal punishment, it hasn’t had much impact on me because it happened long time ago so I don’t memorise it very well. I’m quite surprised that in some states of US allow corporal punishment in some schools.
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Yesterday, my teacher and I discussed the impact of corporal punishment on children. I remember my mum used to spank me at times sometimes/occasionally. However, after my younger brother came to this world was born, she spanked me fewer less because, compared to my brother, I was a very good child. Although I don’t like corporal punishment, it hasn’t I can't say it has had much impact on me because it happened a long time ago so I don’t memorise remember it very well. I’m quite surprised that in some US states of US allow corporal punishment in some schools.

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