Diary - Last night, my English teacher and I discussed AI robots.


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Last night, my English teacher and I discussed AI robots. She introduced me to "uncanny valley", which mean people feel creepy when they see a human-like robot. I'm quite sure I would have the same feeling when I saw one. It's similar to the fact that when we have realistic dolls, some people might think the dolls could be possessed by evils. The robots are now scarier than the dolls because they not only look like humans but are also physically stronger. However, I know the days will come, and I will get used to it.
What is "uncanny valley"? A TV show? A website? Something else?
What is "uncanny valley"? A TV show? A website? Something else?
It is a term that describes the “eerie sensation” one feels when they encounter a robot with human-like characteristics. For more information.
It is a term that describes the “eerie sensation” one feels when they encounter a robot with human-like characteristics. For more information.
Interesting! However, despite the term having been coined in 1970, I've never heard it. I suspect many people will be unfamiliar with it. On that basis, I'd say "... introduced me to the concept of the "uncanny valley", a term that refers to an uneasy feeling ...".

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