Life Events Vocabulary- Speaking


Oral tasks to learn vocabulary of major life events like birth and marriage.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: Culture
Study Area: Vocabulary
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Lesson Plan Content:

Life events vocabulary speaking

Life events vocabulary ask and tell game

Choose one of the cards below. Make a (personal or opinion) question about that thing and/ or using those words, then flip a coin. If you get heads (= the picture side) you can ask someone else in your group that question, but if you get tails (= the number side) you must answer your own question. In other words: Heads = Ask                    Tails = Tell

If the person who has to answer rejects the question (with “I’d rather not say”, “That’s a bit personal”, etc), they can’t make the next question. People can also ask follow up questions if they like, but you don’t have to answer extra questions if you don’t want to.

Suggested questions about life events

“At what age…?”

“Do you approve of…?”/ “Do you think it’s okay to…?”

“Do you think it’s true that…?”

“Do you think people should…?”

“Do you think… is a good enough reason to…?”

“Has anyone that you know…?”

“Have you ever…?”

“How can you decide if…?”

“How do you feel about…?”

“How was your…?”

“How important is… (to you)?”

“How would you feel if…?”

“How would you… (if you had to/ if the opportunity arose)?

“Under what circumstances is it okay to…?”/ “Under what circumstances might you…?”

“What are the (dis)advantages of…?”

“What do you (usually) do…?”

“What do you think about…?”

“What have people told you about…?”

“What kind of…?”

“What would make you…?”

“What would you do if your son/ daughter/ boyfriend/ girlfriend/ father/ mother/ husband/ wife/ sister/ brother…?”

“What would you do if… told you that…?”

“What would you… if…?”

“What’s the best/ worst/ most… (if…)?”

“When did you first/ last…?”

“Why might you…?”

“Would you (ever)… (if…)?”

“Would you like to…?”


Life events vocabulary storytelling

Put the cards face up on the table or deal them all out. Use as many cards as you can to make a (single) life story, one card at a time. It doesn’t matter if the story is realistic or not.


Put the life events vocabulary into order

Put the cards into what you think is the best or most typical order.


Life events vocabulary cards for questions and stories – higher-level version 


(have an) abortion



(have) an affair



(golden/ silver/ diamond) anniversary



first day at school/ start school


(civil/ church/ wedding/ white/ traditional) ceremony


ask for someone’s hand (in marriage)/ propose/ proposal


ask someone out (on a date)



first job/ first day at work


best man(‘s speech)



lose your virginity



(blind/ first/ double/ group) date/ go out with



break up/ split up



bun in the oven/ knocked up/ pregnant



engaged/ engagement (ring/ party)/ fiancé/ fiancée


cheat (on)/ two time/ mess around


divorce/ get divorced



first kiss



dump someone/ throw someone out



birth of your first child

first love/ young love/ infatuation/ crush/ unrequited love


going out/ going steady



heavy petting



hen night/ stag night/ bachelor’s party



meet your (future) in-laws



fall (really/ deeply) in love/ fall for someone



matchmaker/ matchmaking/ set up (by) someone


live together (before marriage)/ shack up


(get) (re)married/ (second) marriage


first lover’s tiff



second wife/ husband



separate/ separation



settle down



romantic holiday/ honeymoon


sleep around/ sow your wild oats


sleep with



snog/ passionate kiss/ pash (e.g. French kiss)


graduate from (high/ secondary) school


(wedding) reception



Valentine’s Day (present/ card)


graduate from university



take (national/ entrance) exams


retire (early)/ (early) retirement



move into an old people’s home/ nursing home


take a postgraduate qualification (MBA, etc)


move into your own place



get a promotion


change jobs



go freelance/ work as a freelancer


set up your own company



(get a/ have a) part-time job


take paternity leave/ maternity leave


quit your job/ leave your job/ resign


take a sabbatical



write a thesis/ dissertation


buy a house/ get a mortgage


get a credit card



get into debt/ get a loan


support yourself/ stand on your own two feet


contraception/ go on the pill



meet the right person/ Mr Right/ the one


leave home/ move out



get fired/ get the sack/ be dismissed




Life events vocabulary cards for questions and stories – Lower level version


 first day at school/ start school


(civil/ church/ wedding/ white/ traditional) ceremony

ask for someone’s hand (in marriage)/ propose/ proposal


ask someone out (on a date)


first job/ first day at work



(blind/ first/ double/ group) date/ go out with





engaged/ engagement (ring/ party)/ fiancé/ fiancée


break up/ split up






first kiss



fall (really/ deeply) in love/ fall for someone



first love/ young love/ infatuation/ crush/ unrequited love


going out/ going steady



(get) remarried/ second marriage/ wife/ husband



snog/ (passionate/ French) kiss


romantic holiday/ honeymoon


graduate from (high/ secondary) school



(wedding) reception



Valentine’s Day (present/ card)


graduate from university



take (national/ entrance) exams



retire (early)/ (early) retirement


move into an old people’s home/ nursing home



change jobs



move into your own place


set up your own company



(get a/ have a) part-time job


take paternity leave/ maternity leave


buy a house/ get a mortgage


get a credit card



quit your job/ leave your job/ resign


leave home/ move out



get fired/ get the sack/ be dismissed


meet the right person/ Mr Right/ the one



Life events collocations

Brainstorm as many collocations as you can to the words below, adding words before and/ or after each word there.


+ date


+ up


engagement +


going +


have +


+ anniversary


get +


meet +


take +


move +


wedding +


+ marriage


+ school


fall +


+ night/ party


first +


Use the mixed words below to help with the task above

Check your answers with the cards on the higher-level worksheets. Many other collocations are possible, so please check if you wrote something different.


Mixed answers

  • a loan/ a mortgage
  • a postgraduate qualification
  • a promotion
  • a sabbatical
  • an abortion
  • an affair
  • bachelor’s
  • blind
  • break/ split
  • ceremony
  • child
  • date
  • day at school/ day of work
  • diamond
  • double
  • fired/ the sack
  • first
  • for someone
  • golden/ silver
  • graduate from
  • group
  • hen
  • high/ secondary
  • in love
  • into an old people’s home/ nursing home
  • into debt
  • into your own place
  • job
  • kiss
  • knocked
  • love
  • maternity leave
  • Mr Right/ the one
  • national exams
  • out
  • party
  • paternity leave
  • reception
  • ring
  • second
  • stag
  • start
  • steady
  • your (future) in-laws

Life events vocabulary word formation

Without looking above, write at least one more form of each word below, e.g. the adjective if it is a noun. Answers not above may also be possible.































Check your ideas above. Many other answers are possible, so please check if you wrote something different. 

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