IELTS Speaking Part Two Tasks


Seeing what IELTS Speaking Part Two tasks have in common and then write similar tasks.

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Analyse and write IELTS Speaking Part Two tasks

Part One: Analysis

After four minutes of personal questions in Speaking Part One, the examiner will say something like “Now I’d like you to speak on your own for one or two minutes. First you have one minute to prepare what you are going to say. You can make notes to help you if you like. Here is your topic sheet”, and give you one card like those below.

Some typical Speaking Part Two (long turn) topics are the same as typical Speaking Part One topics (though they will never have the same topic in one exam). Match these tasks of that type with ones with the same topic on the next page, then label each pair with its (typical Speaking Part One) topic.


Describe your dream home. You should mention:

Its location

The outside

The inside

And say how much difference you thinking living in such a place would make to your life.




Talk about something that you can cook. You should include:

The ingredients

The method of making it

How it is eaten

And say how you feel about cooking this.




Give a one- or two-minute presentation on an instrument that you have tried to learn how to play, including in your answer:

Why you tried to learn that instrument

How you tried to learn

How successful you were

And how you might have tried to learn in a more efficient way.




Speak for between one and two minutes about someone you got on well with at school, mentioning:

How you first met

What you had in common

What you did together

And whether you have stayed in touch since school or not and why.




Give a short presentation on a restaurant you have been to, mentioning:

Its appearance

Its atmosphere

The service

And say who you would recommend it for.




Tell the examiner about a relative, including in your answer:

Their relationship to you

Their appearance

Their personality

And say what similarities you think there are between that person and you.




Speak on your own about an exhibition you went to. Your answer should include:

The topic of the exhibition

Where it was

How long you spent there

And how you now feel about that exhibition and why.




Speak about the house or flat you grew up in, including:

How big it was

Where it was

What was nearby

And say how it compares to other places you have stayed.



What is similar about all the tasks above?


What differences are there between them?


How are the bullet points similar to each other?


How is the last (= fourth) question on each card different to the other three questions on that card? How are the fourth questions on different cards similar to each other?


Find examples of the things on the next page above, and mark them as true in all tasks (A), true in only some tasks (S) or not true in any tasks (N)

  • A phrase meaning “Tell me about…”
  • Being asked to talk about a place, person, thing, time or action.
  • Being asked to talk about one specific thing, e.g. one particular person.
  • Being asked to talk about things in general, e.g. places that share some characteristic.
  • Three sub-topics that you should speak about
  • Four sub-topics that you should speak about
  • Sub-topics starting with question words (= Wh words).
  • Sub-topics not starting with question words (= Wh words).
  • Sub-topics that need longer answers such as Why questions
  • Sub-topics which are just yes/ no questions


Part Two: Question writing

Write similar tasks on these topics for students in another group to speak about, making sure that the tasks match the descriptions above:

  • Hobbies and free time
  • Hometown
  • Sports and games/ Exercise
  • Transport and travel
  • Work and studies

Set the task or tasks for someone from another group, timing them and asking a follow up question or two, using this script:


IELTS Speaking Part Two examiner’s script

“I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one or two minutes. Before you speak, you have one minute to prepare what you are going to say. You can make notes to help you if you like. Here’s a pencil and some paper for making notes”.

“Here’s your topic on this task card. I’d like you to speak about (only read the top line of the card).”

 (candidate prepares for one minute)


“OK. Now, remember that you have one or two minutes for this. Don’t worry if I interrupt you. I’ll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?”

 (candidate speaks for one or two minutes)


“Thank you.”

 (examiner asks one or two extra questions on the topic, e.g. “You said… Do you…?”)

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