IELTS Speaking Part One- Functional Language Practice Game


Competing to use suitable phrases to check what the question means, fill silence, etc.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: IELTS
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Lesson Plan Content:

IELTS Speaking Part One functional language competition

Make sure that you have a different coloured pen or pencil to your partner. Take turns asking and answering IELTS Speaking Part One questions. Whenever you use a new phrase with one of the functions written in the table below if your answer, you can tick in that box. You can tick in the same box more than once as long as you use different words. If your partner thinks exactly the same phrase has already been used during the game or what you said doesn’t have that function, they can cross that tick off. The person with the most ticks when your teacher stops you is the winner.

Checking what the question means





Still not understanding





The question doesn’t quite match your situation





Pausing for thought/ Thinking aloud/ Filling silence





Talking about things you can’t remember





Giving vague answers/ Expressing uncertainty





Explaining things you don’t know the English name for/ have no translation





When you finish the game, work together to write down as many useful phrases as you can for the functions above such as the things you said during the speaking game.

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