IELTS Listening- Typical Errors


Students correct mistakes in real IELTS Listening gapfill task answers, including common mistakes with spelling, grammar, use of numbers, and use of units.

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Typical errors in IELTS Listening

The lines below are real answers from IELTS Listening test gapfill tasks, but with errors that would mean that they would get no mark. Find one error in each of the lines below. Slash (/) means that more than one answer was correct in the exam, in which case only one answer has been made wrong below.

  1. 1 1/2 year
  2. 5 percents
  3. 15 month
  4. 20 balloon
  5. 21 may
  6. 25 dollar
  7. 30 enmore road
  8. 99$
  9. 57 book
  10. 65 paunds
  11. 900 mile
  12. Batchelor of Science
  13. bristol
  14. Wenesday
  15. a dark plaice
  16. a set of dictionary
  17. a six-months break
  18. a three-hours film
  19. academic reserchers
  20. animals language
  21. anual fee
  22. aproximately
  23. asessment
  24. asia
  25. at 27 April
  26. atendance
  27. bathroom right
  28. between 1800 to 2000
  29. boats/ plesure craft
  30. british
  31. broke door
  32. carry out researches
  33. casles
  34. cellular researches
  35. check over your works
  36. churchs
  37. citys
  38. clime the tower
  39. collecting datas
  40. considerable reduce
  41. cookking
  42. cotteges
  43. cristals
  44. currant account
  45. danjerous
  46. dicsionary
  47. disabel
  48. disawdered
  49. driverble
  50. each graphs
  51. eight hundreds
  52. enviroment
  53. every hours
  54. evidense
  55. excesive
  56. exercises science
  57. facilitys
  58. fea
  59. flushs
  60. friday
  61. from 54,000 and 72,000
  62. german
  63. give talk
  64. go out for diner
  65. graund
  66. guide tours
  67. half ful
  68. halls of residence/ living quarter
  69. hiden TV cameras
  70. high quality vegtables
  71. histories and economics
  72. ilegal
  73. in Friday
  74. in week
  75. jem
  76. july
  77. kitchen-curtains
  78. kwality
  79. lable
  80. laundries
  81. leafs
  82. lecturers two busy
  83. lekture halls
  84. lesure activities
  85. lightings
  86. loafs
  87. local crafts men
  88. long trouser
  89. maching pairs
  90. mane workshop
  91. mass medias
  92. mountins
  93. north africa
  94. nurssing
  95. office staffs
  96. ordinry white light
  97. orful food
  98. parkings
  99. peace of string
  100. picnick
  101. powerfull computer programs
  102. questionaire
  103. regular dayly intake
  104. report righting
  105. rocksalt
  106. sertain plants
  107. sertificate
  108. shoping
  109. shure
  110. similar/ almost same
  111. sixteen rose lane
  112. skiming
  113. some musics
  114. some photo
  115. space/ loom
  116. speach
  117. specialist nowledge
  118. student news paper
  119. teknical
  120. the hole family
  121. the roads system
  122. the root home
  123. three hundred millions
  124. timbers
  125. to late
  126. tower of London
  127. traffics
  128. trainings
  129. two thousands
  130. unatural
  131. walk strait past/ pass/ ignore

Check as a class or with the suggested answers.

Suggested answers

Other corrections are sometimes possible, so please check you wrote something different.

  1. 1 1/2 years
  2. 5 percent/ 12.5%
  3. 15 months
  4. 20 balloons
  5. 21 May/ 21st May
  6. 25 dollars/ $25
  7. 30 Enmore Road
  8. $5.99
  9. 57 books
  10. 65 pounds
  11. 900 miles
  12. Bachelor of Science
  13. Bristol
  14. Wednesday
  15. a dark place
  16. a set of dictionaries
  17. a six-month break/ a 6-month break
  18. a three-hour film/ a 3-hour film/ a 3-hour movie
  19. academic researchers
  20. animal language
  21. annual fee
  22. approximately
  23. assessment
  24. Asia
  25. on 27 April/ 27 April
  26. attendance
  27. bathroom light
  28. between 1800 and 2000/ from 1800 to 2000
  29. boats/ pleasure craft
  30. British
  31. broken door
  32. carry out research
  33. castles
  34. cellular research
  35. check over your work
  36. churches
  37. cities
  38. climb the tower
  39. collecting data
  40. considerably reduce
  41. cooking
  42. cottages
  43. crystals
  44. current account
  45. dangerous
  46. dictionary
  47. disable
  48. disordered
  49. drivable
  50. each graph
  51. eight hundred
  52. environment
  53. every hour
  54. evidence
  55. excessive
  56. exercise science
  57. facilities
  58. fee
  59. flushes
  60. Friday
  61. from 54,000 to 72,000/ between 54,000 and 72,000
  62. German
  63. give a talk
  64. go out for dinner
  65. ground
  66. guided tours
  67. half full
  68. halls of residence/ living quarters
  69. hidden TV cameras
  70. high quality vegetables
  71. history and economics
  72. illegal
  73. on Friday/ Friday
  74. in a week/ in one week/ in 1 week
  75. gem
  76. July
  77. kitchen curtains
  78. quality
  79. label
  80. laundry
  81. leaves
  82. lecturers too busy
  83. lecture halls
  84. leisure activities
  85. lighting
  86. loaves
  87. local craftsmen
  88. long trousers
  89. matching pairs
  90. main workshop
  91. mass media
  92. mountains
  93. North Africa
  94. nursing
  95. office staff
  96. ordinary white light
  97. awful food
  98. parking
  99. piece of string
  100. picnic
  101. powerful computer programs
  102. questionnaire
  103. regular daily intake
  104. report writing
  105. rock salt
  106. certain plants
  107. certificate
  108. shopping
  109. sure
  110. similar/ almost the same
  111. sixteen Rose Lane/ 16 Rose Lane
  112. skimming
  113. some music
  114. some photos
  115. space/ room
  116. speech
  117. specialist knowledge
  118. student newspaper
  119. technical
  120. the whole family
  121. the road system
  122. the route home
  123. three hundred million
  124. timber
  125. too late
  126. Tower of London
  127. traffic
  128. training
  129. two thousand
  130. unnatural
  131. walk straight past/ pass/ ignore

What kinds of errors are there above? What rules could you keep in mind to help not make those kinds of errors?

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