Collocations with "make" & "do"- giving advice


Verb plus noun collocations practise by discussing what to do in situations with make and do, including a missing verbs version, with advice phrases presentation and practice.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: Collocation
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Lesson Plan Content:

Collocations with make and do giving advice practice

Choose one of the problems below and ask your partner’s advice on what to do, then react to their recommendations. Your teacher will tell you if you should use the complete sentences version or the gapped version of the worksheet.

Full sentences version

I always make a mess when I cook.

Nobody else in my house ever does the housework.

I forgot to do my homework last night and I need to be at school in an hour.

I want to make a good impression on my boss.

I’ve found out that someone who I do business with has connections to the mafia.

When I went on a blind date, the other person would change the topic every time I asked them what they do for a living.

My company tell me that I don’t need to do overtime, but then give me so much work that I can’t possibly finish it within my normal working hours.

I had a big fight with my girlfriend/ boyfriend and now I need to make it up them.

I did my best but I still did really badly in my last Spanish language test.

I want to find a job where I can really make a difference.

I did some research on hotels in Bangkok, and all of them have at least some bad online reviews.

My company has made a large loss over the last three years so I’m worried that they might start making people redundant soon.

I need to tell someone in my team to improve their work, but I don’t know how to make myself clear without them becoming angry.

My son wants to do another degree, but I think he should just get a job instead.

I could do with some help with my project, but everyone else is busy with their own projects.

My daughter is seven years old and she still doesn’t know how to do up her own shoe laces.

Artificial intelligence will probably do away with my job in the next twenty years.

A thief made off with my mobile phone.


Gapped sentences version

I always ____________________________________________ a mess when I cook.

Nobody else in my house ever _______________________________ the housework.

I forgot to ___________ my homework last night and I need to be at school in an hour.

I want to ____________________________________ a good impression on my boss.

I’ve found out that someone who I _________ business with has connections to the mafia.

When I went on a blind date, the other person would change the topic every time I asked them what they ________________________________________ for a living.

My company tell me that I don’t need to ______________________ overtime, but then give me so much work that I can’t possibly finish it within my normal working hours.

I had a big fight with my girlfriend/ boyfriend and now I need to _________ it up them.

I __________ my best but I still _______ really badly in my last Spanish language test.

I want to find a job where I can really ____________________________ a difference.

I ________________________________________________ some research on hotels in Bangkok, and all of them have at least some bad online reviews.

My company has ___________________________________________ a large loss over the last three years so I’m worried that they might start making people redundant soon.

I need to tell someone in my team to improve their work, but I don’t know how to ____________________________________ myself clear without them becoming angry.

My son wants to ________ another degree, but I think he should just get a job instead.

I could ____________________________________________________________ with some help with my project, but everyone else is busy with their own projects.

My daughter is seven years old and she still doesn’t know how to ________________ up her own shoe laces.

Artificial intelligence will probably ________________________________________ away with my job in the next twenty years.

A thief _____________________________________ off with my mobile phone.

Fill the gaps above with the right form of “do” or “make”.


Language of advice presentation

Brainstorm language for doing each of the things from the activity above into the spaces given below.

Asking for advice phrases










Giving advice phrases















Responding to advice phrases














Compare as a class or with a list of suggested phrases.

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