Business English- Words that can and cannot be shortened


Business abbreviations and words which are sometimes wrongly abbreviated

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Business English that can and cannot be shortened


Business English words that can be shortened

Without looking at Part B below, try to write other way of saying the things below in English, for example shorter and/ or more informal words and expressions.

  • a cash register
  • a dollar
  • a memorandum
  • advertisements
  • an office building
  • an overhead projector
  • correspondence                                                           
  • direct mail
  • inflation
  • information


Mixed answers

Match these words and expressions with the ones above

  • a buck
  • a memo
  • ads adverts
  • an office block
  • an OHP
  • info
  • junk mail
  • mail
  • price rises
  • the till


Business English words that can’t be shortened

None of these words can be shortened in English, so write them out in full

  • Infla_____ has reached a record high of 23%
  • Please evacuate the buil_____ at once
  • I bought a seco_____ han____ car from a local car dealer
  • I had to find a part ______ ______ to pay for my studies
  • He’s a white collar _________
  • Multi task________ saves time but increases confusion!
  • Mass pro______________ goods are good for the consumer and bad for the worker who makes them. Luckily, every worker is also a consumer.
  • The woman accused her boss of sexu___ hara___________

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