Appearance Words- Personal Questions


Making questions with appearances vocabulary speaking.

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Appearance words personal questions

Take turns asking each other personal questions like “Does your father have short hair?” and “How do you feel about big noses?”, using at least one word below in each question.

Suggested personal questions using appearance words

… when you were…?

Do you like…?

Do you want…?

Do you think that… is/ are…?

Do you think that… makes people look…?

Do you think that (name) is/ looks…?

Has anyone that you know…?

Have you ever…?

How do you feel about…?

How… is/ are…?

Is/ Does anyone in your family…?

Is/ Does your father/ mother/ grandmother/ brother…?

Is… nice/ okay/ beautiful/ strange/ scary/ ugly/…?

What do you think about…?

What kind of… did you use to have?

What kind of… do you like?

What kind of… is the most…?

What kind of…?

What would you do if…?

What’s better, … or …?/ Which is better, … or …?

What’s your favourite…?

When did you last…?

Which actor/ singer/ famous person has the …est…/ the most… …?

Which of your friends…?

Which people in your family…?

Who is more…, … or…?/ Who is …er, … or …?

Will you…, do you think?

Would you like…?

Would you pay for…?

Ask about any words you don’t understand, couldn’t make a question from, etc, working together to make personal questions and/ or statements each time.


Suggested appearance vocabulary to ask questions with/ about

  • baby
  • bald
  • beard/ moustache
  • beautiful/ pretty/ stunning
  • big/ large/ huge – little/ small/ tiny
  • black
  • blonde/ fair/ yellow
  • blue
  • brown
  • change
  • chubby/ fat – thin/ slim/ skinny
  • cosmetic surgery/ plastic surgery
  • curly/ wavy – straight
  • dark…
  • dye/ dyed
  • eyes
  • (friendly/ kind) face
  • (grand)father – (grand)mother
  • fashionable/ trendy
  • glasses
  • good looking
  • green
  • grey
  • hair
  • handsome
  • head
  • lips
  • long/ tall – short
  • make up
  • medium
  • nose
  • old – young
  • pink
  • purple
  • scary
  • shiny
  • strong/ muscular
  • teeth
  • ugly/ hideous
  • weird/ strange
  • white
  • wig


Brainstorming stage

First of all without looking above, write suitable words in the categories below. Many words can go in more that one place.

Hair (including facial hair)












Size and shape












Positive words and expressions






Negative words and expressions







Look above for ideas, brainstorm more, then compare your extra ideas as a class.

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