Academic English- Classifying Functions


Classifying and ranking strong and weak academic language

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Lesson Plan Content:

Classifying Academic English functional language

Instructions for teachers

Card matching stage

Photocopy and cut up one copy per group of 2-4 students. Students try to first classify them into categories and them put them into order. You can give hints if they get stuck:

  1. There are six categories.
  2. The greatest number of cards in one category is 14 and the smallest number of cards in one category is 9.
  3. The actual number of cards in each category is 14, 14, 13, 12, 12 and 9.
  4. One example of each: almost no + 13 more, very different + 13 more, explode + 12 more, almost never + 11 more, will definitely + 11 more, a great benefit + 8 more
  5. There are no more than two which mean the same thing.
  6. The doubles of each category are: four (almost no + 13 more), seven (very different + 13 more), six (explode + 12 more), three (almost never + 11 more), four (will definitely + 11 more), three (a great benefit + 8 more)


Testing each other stage

After checking their answers with the suggested answers above and/ or as a class, students can further test each other in groups, for example:

  • Seeing if their partner can remember a phrase which has the same meaning
  • Seeing if their partner can remember a phrase which comes between two other phrases
  • Seeing if their partner can remember a phrase which comes next in a sequence
  • Seeing if their partner can remember the one phrase of that kind which they don’t say
  • Seeing if their partner can remember collocations, e.g. “Continue beep the same level” or “Decline something”


Communicative practice

They can then take turns trying to make statements which their partner accepts are true with phrases on the cards. If their statement is accepted, they can take the card and score one point. The same card can’t be used more than once.


Cards to cut up/ Suggested answers

(with the same meaning on the same line)

absolutely identical

exactly the same


practically the same

nearly identical


very similar

only slightly different


quite similar


fairly similar

very different


a great difference


an absolutely huge difference


an immense difference

completely different


totally different



by far the greatest positive point


an overwhelming advantage

the main argument in support



a very substantial plus



a great benefit


a major selling point


a substantial argument for

a considerable benefit


a significant positive aspect




will definitely



will almost certainly



is likely to

will probably





could perhaps

could potentially


is unlikely to


probably won’t

almost certainly won’t



definitely won’t




almost always





most of the time


very often



















hardly ever


very rarely


almost never




almost all



the vast majority






very many…





a large number of…


quite a lot of…


a fairly large number of…




a few



very few


a small minority of…

almost no

a tiny minority of…





take off




creep up



continue at the same level


remain constant


fall slightly


decrease rapidly

fall sharply


decline dramatically




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