Poll: The word 'accommodation' _____ a plural form.

The word 'accommodation' _____ a plural form.

doesn't have

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  • Votes: 782
  • Comments: 9
  • Added: October 2008



where is the answer????????


what is the response?


Standard American English gives accomodation a plural form, British English does not.


I don't think at all that it has a plural form.:)


Exemples: 1) Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday package.
2) Nowadys, travelers are looking for bed and breakfast accommodations in private homes.


;tion / əˌkɑməˈde&#
618;ʆən / Ac noun 1 accommodations [ plural ] a room in a hotel or other place where you stay on vacation or when you are traveling :
▪ Guest artists have to pay for their own hotel accommodations and meals.
▪ The package includes deluxe accommodations and unlimited golf.
from: pai dos burros Longman

leo guerra

certanly it has the plural form


I think there is no plural for accommodation.


The English language is a living language that does have changes that occur.The one thing that is a constant however, is the fact that the basic structure and rules for formal written and spoken English do not change. There is no plural for accommodation due to the rule that also applies to other words such as - sheep, information and furniture. Uneducated American sheeps use the word accommodations.

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