Telephoning- Making Arrangements


A fun whole class speaking activity for telephoning and making future arrangements practice in which students race to make as many new arrangements as possible while roleplaying phone calls - good for Present Continuous and future time expressions.

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Lesson Plan Content:

Making Arrangements- Phone Calls Game

What are your arrangements and plans for tomorrow, this weekend and the beginning of
next week?

Write all of your real arrangements (meetings, drinks with friends, dentist appointments
etc.) in the spaces below, perhaps with plans like going for a jog on your own if you like.


The day after tomorrow

In three days

In four days

This time next


Pretend to phone people in the class to make as many (business or leisure) arrangements
as you can for the next seven days. You must change the person you speak to after each
attempt, but you can then go back to the same person if you like. Write all the successfully
made new arrangements above. The person with most new arrangements will win the

Report your new arrangements to the class, starting with the person who thinks they have
most new arrangements, mentioning the day, time and person you are meeting. If anyone
else says that arrangement is wrong or if you have made two arrangements for the same
time, play passes to the next person.

Without looking above, brainstorm as many future time expressions as you can.

Written by Alex Case for © 2014

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