Telephoning- Brainstorming Dialogues


Line by line brainstorming of a typical business phone call, including getting through to someone, taking and leaving messages, and checking/ clarifying, with two optional extra practice activities.

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Brainstorm replies to make the telephone dialogue

Cover all but the top line of the worksheet below. Brainstorm as many different replies as you can to the phrase you can see, choose the best, then reveal the next line and see if it is similar to what you said. Brainstorm replies to that line and reveal, then do the same line by line to make the whole conversation, not looking below before brainstorming each time.  


Receiver: Good morning. British Corporation. Alex Case speaking. How may I help you?


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Caller: Hi Alex, this is John.


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Receiver: Hi John. How’s it going?


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Caller: Good thanks. How about you? How’s business?


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R: Great, thanks. I think the new product’s going to be a hit! So, how can I help you today?


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Caller: I’m phoning about the new product, so can I speak to Jill Dando, please?


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Receiver: Of course, please hold the line and I’ll check if she is available.


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Caller: Okay, thanks.


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R: John? I’m afraid she’s not answering her phone. Would you like to leave a message?


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Caller: Yes, please. Can you ask her to call me back?


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Receiver: Of course. Does she have your number?


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Caller: Yes, I’m pretty sure she does.


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Receiver: Okay, I’ll make sure she gets your message. Is there anything else?


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Caller: There is just one more thing, actually. Can you tell her that I need 1260 HLB871s by the 13th?


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Receiver: Okay. Can I check that back?


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Caller: Of course. Please go ahead.


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Receiver: You need 1216 HLV871s by the 30th. Is that right?


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Caller: Actually, it’s 1260 (six zero) HLB (for baby) 871s by the 13th (one three).


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Receiver: Okay, thanks. Got it. Can I help you with anything else today?


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Caller: No, that’s all thanks.


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Receiver: OK. Thanks for calling.


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Caller: Thanks for your help. Bye.


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Receiver: Bye.


Go back though and brainstorm at least one or two other possible answers to each line.

Disappearing text

Work in pairs. Read through the dialogue above six times, each time covering more lines at the bottom of the dialogue and continuing from memory and/ or your own ideas. Cover just two lines at the bottom the first time, three more lines the second time, four more lines the third time, etc.


Using one line

Choose a random line above and roleplay a conversation including that line, not looking at any other lines above. The conversation can be similar to the one above or completely different, as long as you use that line correctly.

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