Quiz: Phrasal Verbs - Show

This is a intermediate-level quiz containing 10 multichoice quiz questions from our 'phrasal verbs' category. Simply answer all questions and press the 'Grade Me' button to see your score. This exercise is also available as a printable worksheet.

To access the printable version of this quiz, view our 'Phrasal Verbs - Show' Worksheet.

Phrasal Verbs - Show Quiz

Exercise Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - He showed ____ an hour late for the meeting.
Q2 - The frame really helped show the picture ____.
Q3 - We had a guide, who showed us ____ the city.
Q4 - When I arrived, the receptionist showed me ____.
Q5 - He annoys me because he's always trying to show ____ how clever he is.
Q6 - The inspection showed ____ some problems.
Q7 - He showed us ____ by behaving badly.
Q8 - When we'd finished, I showed her ____ of the building.
Q9 - We wanted them to show us ____ the apartment to see whether we liked it.
Q10 - He's just bought a new car and wants to show it ____.
