Quiz: Phrasal Verbs - Pass

This is a intermediate-level quiz containing 10 multichoice quiz questions from our 'phrasal verbs' category. Simply answer all questions and press the 'Grade Me' button to see your score. This exercise is also available as a printable worksheet.

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Phrasal Verbs - Pass Quiz

Exercise Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - He tried to pass ____ some fake money in a shop and got arrested.
Q2 - I passed ____ and collapsed on the floor.
Q3 - Could you pass a message ____ for me if you see her?
Q4 - He had been ill for a long time and passed ____ in hospital last night.
Q5 - She was expecting a promotion, but they passed her ____ and gave it to someone else.
Q6 - The opportunity didn't interest me much, so I passed it ____.
Q7 - They had been expecting trouble, but it passed ____ peacefully.
Q8 - When her father dies, everything will pass ____ her.
Q9 - She speaks the language so well that she could pass ____ a native speaker.
Q10 - I was just passing ____, so I didn't stop to visit them.
