Quiz: If or Unless?

This is a intermediate-level quiz containing 14 multichoice quiz questions from our 'conditionals' category. Simply answer all questions and press the 'Grade Me' button to see your score. This exercise is also available as a printable worksheet.

To access the printable version of this quiz, view our 'If or Unless?' Worksheet.

If or Unless? Quiz

Exercise Instructions: Choose the correct word.

Q1 - ___ you are caught drinking and driving, you will lose your licence.
Q2 - ____ you stop smoking, you'll be seriously ill.
Q3 - I won't be able to do it ____ you help me.
Q4 - ____ you stop making that noise, I'll call the police.
Q5 - ____ you're late, I'll leave without you.
Q6 - ___ he gets caught, he'll make a fortune.
Q7 - ____ he gets caught, he'll go to jail.
Q8 - I won't do it ____ you agree to help me; I'm not doing it alone.
Q9 - ___ she pays up, we're going to be in real trouble.
Q10 - ____ we get the cheque today, we must bank it.
Q11 - She'll never agree to that ____ you accept her suggestions.
Q12 - ____ they're late again, I'll be furious.
Q13 - I don't want to go out ____ it's raining- I hate getting wet.
Q14 - We'll be in trouble ____ it goes wrong.
