Quiz: Phrasal Verbs - Bring

This is a intermediate-level quiz containing 11 multichoice quiz questions from our 'phrasal verbs' category. Simply answer all questions and press the 'Grade Me' button to see your score. This exercise is also available as a printable worksheet.

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Phrasal Verbs - Bring Quiz

Exercise Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - She didn't manage to bring the subject ...... at the meeting because there wasn't enough time
Q2 - The scandal brought the government ......
Q3 - The computer has brought ....... more changes in my life than any other invention
Q4 - The band are bringing ..... a new album in the new year
Q5 - I was brought ....... in the North
Q6 - She brought ..... the deal even though nobody thought she was capable of doing it
Q7 - She brought her children ........ on her own after the divorce
Q8 - Someone who is always unhappy might bring you .......
Q9 - If you're coming tonight, could you bring ......... some CDs
Q10 - The weather brought my cold ......
Q11 - The footballer was brought ..... from behind
