Your incompleteness of full stops is....


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Aug 8, 2010
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A friend of mine has a weakness. When he writes English, either in paper or online, he doesn't use full stops. I've told him many times and I really can't stand that. Today I saw the sentences he wrote and I said this again:

Your incompleteness of full stops in sentences worsens my obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I don't thin the italic sentence is natural. How would you say that?
He could not have written "sentences" as you called them, if he hadn't used full-stops.
Your incompleteness of full stops in sentences worsens my obsessive-compulsive disorder.
I don't think the italic sentence is natural.
You're right. It's useless. First, leave your OCD out of it, and second, simplify your phrasing. Post below.
You're right. It's useless. First, leave your OCD out of it, and second, simplify your phrasing. Post below.
Much appreciated. How about:

The incompleteness of the full stops in your sentences really gives me a hard time.
No. Do not use "incompleteness" in that sentence. It doesn't fit. Try:
"Please get into the habit of using full stops. They clearly separate your sentences, and make your text grammatical and easier to read".
Alternatively, you can say "The lack of full stops in your writing makes it really hard to read". As teechar said, "incompleteness" is not appropriate here at all.

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