with symptoms such as mild pain and shame

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Feb 19, 2016
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Sympathetic ophthalmia usually develops unconsciously, with symptoms such as mild pain and shame. Conditions such as cataracts, secondary glaucoma, macular edema, and exudative retinal detachment may also be present.
Source: Healthy Lifestyle

Does shame here still refer to the painful feeling arising from the consciousness?
I have a feeling that might be a poor translation from the original Chinese. The references at the end of that link show that the original articles were all from Chinese publications and by Chinese authors. I'm pretty certain that medical articles don't usually include "shame" as a medical symptom.
I don't know what it's supposed to mean. That article clearly wasn't written by a native English speaker. Overall the level of English is quite good, but there are frequent minor mix ups and errors that suggest it was written by a fluent, yet non-native speaker
Shame isn't a physical symptom, of eye disease or any other physical problem. As the others suggest, there seems to be a translation error.
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