What would you say to your parents....


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Aug 8, 2010
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I watched a movie about a man traveled back to the time when his parents were still alive by using a time machine. I asked my friends by posting a thread on social media:

What would you say to your parents if there's a time machine you could take back to their time?

I don't think the question is natural. Please help me with a better version.
I'm not a teacher or a language purist, but I would ask: "What would you tell your parents if there was a time machine that could take you back to their times?"
I I am not a grammarian but as a native speaker I would say "...if there was a time machine that could ..."
I don't think "time" should be plural unless the parents existed at different times.
I'd say What would you say to your parents if there were a time machine you could take back to their time?
Given that your opening post makes it clear that the person's parents are now dead, I'd make sure the question reflected that.

If a time machine could take you back to when your parents were alive, what would you say to them?

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