What do these quotes mean?

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Jul 5, 2015
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I have three quotes and I want to know what they mean and if you agree or disagree with them:

1) The way people in democracies think of the government as something different from themselves is a real handicap. And, of course, sometimes the government confirms their opinion." ~Lewis Mumford

2) “The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy." ~Woodrow Wilson

3) “The happiest thing that can be said about democracy... is that it is one of the few systems that has been willing to risk a long period of confusion and mixed purposes for the sake of giving man a chance to grow up in mind and responsibility." ~H.A. Overstreet
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1 People should think of government and themselves being part of the same thing, not distant and separate.
2 Government is meant to be of/by/for the people, but it is being run by the powerful in their interests.
3 Other systems favour stability and certainty and will force them upon people, while democracy can go through periods of uncertainty and confusion until the people are prepared to deal with the situation.
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