We should receive your documents within thirty days before the date of joining otherw

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Make your mind up, tufguy! Your first answer to my question was that the person was starting work for a company. Your second response said they were starting a course. Is this a real-life situation or are you just making up answers?

We work with different companies and join courses as well. It keeps happening so it is a real life situation.
We work with different companies and join courses as well. It keeps happening so it is a real life situation.

You work with companies and you join courses - what sort of courses do you join? Are you currently doing an English course? Who are "We"?
You work with companies and you join courses - what sort of courses do you join? Are you currently doing an English course? Who are "We"?

We means people. One of my friends was pursuing a course to become a coder while working. He cleared hi exams and started working as a medical coder.
"We" means "people". One of my friends was [STRIKE]pursuing[/STRIKE] taking a course to become a coder, while still working somewhere else. He [STRIKE]cleared[/STRIKE] passed his exams and started working as a medical coder.

Note my multiple corrections above. Tufguy, your posts are becoming exhausting to deal with (again).

1. You didn't mark out relevant words in quotation marks, as we have asked you to do probably hundreds of times.
2. Are you really expecting us to believe that you have been on this forum for such a long time and that you still don't remember that we pass exams, not clear them?
3. If your friend was taking a course and working at the same time, why did you have to write a letter telling someone the deadline for submitting their documentation?

When we say "real-life situations", we mean something that you really have to do. If you genuinely need to write a letter to someone, you are more than welcome to ask us for help with it but please don't spend your time or ours on practising things that are unnecessary.
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