They're not just the words of Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights

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Dec 5, 2013
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- 00:44

I cannot make out just one word, which makes the sentence's structure sounds as if not being completed to me. I hear like They're not just the words the Kate Bushes' Wuthering Heights but they're memories thousands of people have made .....? camping here. I admit that I cannot hear a preposition at the beginning (the words of... Kate).
have made wild-camping here (this time the auto-subtitles were correct)

It should be of Kate Bushe's Wuthering Heights (without the).
Perhaps wild-camping is a term used in BrE. Here in Canada we just call it camping whether it's done in the wilderness or in an organized campground with facilities such as electricity and water.

P.S. Thank you @guey. I have corrected the thread title.
Perhaps wild-camping is a term used in BrE. Here in Canada we just call it camping whether it's done in the wilderness or in an organized campground with facilities such as electricity and water.
It's the term in BrE for camping anywhere other than an official campsite. As the video explains, Dartmoor was the only place remaining in England where it was legal to wild camp but that's now under threat. Of course, plenty of people still do it all over the country but it's technically illegal.
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