[Grammar] therefore reducing emissions.

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Therefore is the right choice for the "will be reduced" sentence, but only thereby works before "reducing emissions" as in the original post.
Thanks RobertJ for your explanations:
Are these correct, too?
She studied hard, thus making it easier for her to pass the exam.
She studied hard, therefore making it easier for her to pass the exam.

And in my original example, is the bold one correct as well?

"They could also impose ‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies. In this way, people would be encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore (they would probably be) reducing emissions."
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Thanks RobertJ for your help and I am sorry for bothering you by asking too many questions.
Anyway, What I can conclude from what you all have stated here is that :
we can't use -ing form of a verb when we have 'therefore' as our conjunctive adverb, while we can use 'thereby' before -ing form of a verb.
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I hope this is of some help.​

Definitely. However, I need some time to work on these kind of adverbs.

Please don't make "hard and fast" rules; it's always dangerous.

Sure teacher. But Can I state the following?
When we have only verb after some of these conjunctive adverbs not clause , we always have the -ing form.
I concluded that from all of your examples and those I have founded by googling.

And, finally:
In these two sentences or ones that precede -ind form of a verb, can we say?
a) "We can blockade the strait of Hormuz, thereby (the fact that We can blockade the strait of Hormuz) preventing the free flow of oil."​

b) "He was diagnosed with tinnitus; therefore (the fact that He was diagnosed with tinnitus) ringing in his ears was virtually constant."​

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