The person must have took down the wrong name.


Mar 31, 2008
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Maria: Wow, this hotel is really nice.
Jill: Yeah. It's better than the pictures.
Good afternoon. We're here to check in.
Hotel clerk: Hi. Do you have a reservation?
Maria: Yes, we do.
Hotel clerk: Can I have the name of the person who made the reservation?
Jill: Jill Willcox. W-I-L-L-C-O-X.
Hotel clerk: Thank you. Hmm... Looks like there's no reservation.
Jill: But, I'm sure I made a reservation.
Hotel clerk: I have a Till Millfox.
Jill: That's me. Just spelled wrong.
Hotel clerk: May I see your driver's license?
But it says Jill Willcox. And the reservation is for Till Millfox.
Jill: Right. The person must have took down the wrong name.
Hotel clerk: I see.
Source: Speak Now 3, Jack C. Richards & David Bohlke, lessons 5–8 video

Shouldn't it be "The person must have taken down the wrong name"?
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Yes, but be aware that this is a common error from some native speakers.

I've took it away.
Have you took my book?
I saw you'd took the photos down.

One of my work colleagues used the first example above just an hour ago!
I hear it all the time too. I consider it a non-standard, dialectal form.
I can't say I have heard that one, but "should have went" is a common mistake along the same lines.
I was talking generally about using the second form of a verb in place of a third form. I hear it often, from American and British speakers alike.

I must say I'm surprised to see it in Speak Now 3.

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