the full-on every track compromise of death-looming artistry


Jan 17, 2024
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Russian Federation
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Russian Federation
"As a final footnote, I’ve always approached this record — despite the full-on every track compromise of death-looming artistry — as a collection of five absolutely top-flight metal songs, with Lady Evil being a bit too Ron and Walk Away and Wishing Well being too “happy.” The rest though? Man, very tasty fast food, so close to classic and yet ever-so-slightly empty." Martin Popoff " Top 500 heavy metal albums of all time"
Could you please explain what the words in bold mean? I know the words inidividually, but I can not get a coherent meaning of them packed togehter.
It's a phrase I've never ever ever seen before.

I guess it means something in the world of heavy metal music. (If you can call that "music".)
In this context track means an individual song on an album. (I use the word song loosely since the author is talking about heavy metal🙂). Full-on is a synonym for complete or total. The word compromise is puzzling to me, given that the author clearly intends to heap praise on the album.

Don't forget @Vladv1 that whenever you quote someone else's words you must give the source and author. This is a legal requirement, and if you fail to meet it we will have to delete this thread.
Don't forget @Vladv1 that whenever you quote someone else's words you must give the source and author. This is a legal requirement, and if you fail to meet it we will have to delete this thread.
I believe that Martin Popoff "Top heavy metal albums of all time" in post #1 is the source information, albeit incorrectly capitalised.

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