The Fiction of Reality, part three

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Fourth paragraph. Perhaps:

Our school principal decided we should visit the mausoleum.


He accepted my excuse, and I did not ask any questions.
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Paragraph four. Sentence five. Delete "nevertheless" from sentence five. Then say:

Had he not gone on the trip it could have cost him his job.

Only one other student besides me chose not to go.

While I could not fight him while he was alive, at least I could ignore him now that he was dead.
The last part. Say:

A few years later, I would watch with amusement as the very same people who had cried over him threw his books into the rubbish.


...and they did not want to see his dark side.


...and see what was behind it.

Is my version not good?
"Their minds have created a saint of him and did not want to see his dark side?"

Is my version not good?
"Their minds have created a saint of him and did not want to see his dark side?"

Well, it's a compound sentence, so you need a comma after "him". And it should say:

and they did not want to see his dark side.

(I fixed the mistake in post 21.)
You are doing well, Bassim. It is quite an accomplishment to be able to write and do so in a language that is not your native tongue.

As for me, I am not a professional teacher. However, I do my best to answer questions on the forum. (I've been doing it since 2003.)

That's all for now.
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