the downfalls of trying to focus too much in meditation

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Feb 7, 2016
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Russian Federation
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Russian Federation
In the description to the next video (Relax the Mind with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche) it is said:
"In this video, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche and Venerable Anālayo talk about the true meaning of samadhi and the downfalls of trying to focus too much in meditation."

I am concerned with the word "downfalls". In all dictionaries that I checked "downfall" has only one meaning like this definition in Collins Dictionary: "loss of success or power; or something that causes person to fail". However I have noticed that in one dictionary (Context Reverso) it was very rarely but still translated in the meaning of "downsides" (it is context dictionary with English-Russian translation examples, so there is no much sense for you to look the link, I suppose). Maybe it's just wrong translation since there is little number of examples with it.

After watching the video I understood that both meanings can be appropriate, either definition in Collins Dictionary because it is said in the video that trying to focus too much in meditation is certainly doomed to failure because you will become even more angry than relaxed if you follow approach where you are overly concentrating, or definition similar to "downsides" because as said in the video "if you overly concentrate in meditation your way to samadhi (the end purpose of meditation) will take extremely long time, there will be bad repercussions if you are concentrating too much.

So I would like to ask for your help, can "downfalls" really have the meaning of "downsides"? I guess since it's used in the plural (downfalls) it is rather "downsides" than a thing that causes someone to fail (as interpreted in Collins Dictionary). Am right about it? Thank you.
Try googling this -> "the downfalls of trying to" site:au OR site:uk OR site:ie OR site:nz OR site:ca OR site:us OR site:wales OR site:cymru OR site:scot
(This will get you info from native-speaker websites exclusively.)

Here's one of the results:
"The group were asked if they currently did anything with the aim of helping the environment and tackling climate change. One participant spoke about how they try to save plastic bottles and re-purpose them into plant pots. Most of the group spoke about how they and/or their families recycle but also highlighted some of the downfalls of trying to recycle more.
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There are, unfortunately, quite a few examples on the internet such as those White Hat found. I agree with emsr2d2 and Grammarist that people are confusing 'downside' and 'downfall'.
You can find multiple examples of incorrect English all over the internet. It's a big place!
You can find multiple examples of incorrect English all over the internet. It's a big place!
You don't have to capitalize 'internet', do you?
You don't have to capitalize 'internet', do you?
Most style guides suggest that it should be capitalised when referring to the entire entity that houses the World Wide Web. If I were applying for a job or writing a document that needs to be perfect, I would probably capitalise it. However, the majority of English speakers treat it as a common noun.
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