Sentence game

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Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken employee.
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken employee then
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken employee then just
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken employee then just decide
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken employee then just decide to
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken employee then just decide to search
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken employee, then just decide to search another
Income and salary have been very important to be taxed, so that you end up with no money and heartbroken employee, then just decide to search another way
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