[Grammar] RE: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

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Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

I don't doubt the jazz skills of your roommate, Paul, but I don't think his musicianship qualifies him as a trustworthy advisor of titling compositions. It's much better without the comma.

Anyway, I love your piece. You're on keys, right?
Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

You can say either "... it's much clearer now" or "... it's all the clearer for your explanation", but not "... it's all the much clearer".
Or "it's all the more clear now."
Or "It's even clearer now."
Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

He was, and still is, an incredible musician and so I trusted his opinion implicitly (even though, like myself, he was not a student of English Language).

Go with his ideas on tunes. Question his punctuation. ;-)
Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

I don't doubt the jazz skills of your roommate, Paul, but I don't think his musicianship qualifies him as a trustworthy advisor of titling compositions. It's much better without the comma.

Hi jutfrank,

Great reply, thanks.

To be fair, upon reflection, I don't think I articulated myself accurately enough in my initial statement (my bad! - am I allowed to say that?!).

I asked my saxophonist friend (Joel) what he thought of the song title(s) in terms of it's 'word' content. I mean, I verbally expressed this question (he was sitting at the other side of the room [probably having a cigarette!]) as opposed to showing him the paper it was written on. Therefore he was unaware - and I did not even raise the question - as to whether (or not) there should be an inclusion of a comma, or similar.

Now you have the FULL scenario! (which dates back to 1999).

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Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

Anyway, I love your piece. You're on keys, right?

You are very perceptive. Yes, it is indeed my good self on keys (well, 'piano' actually - but it COULD have been on a keyboard, using the 'piano' preset). Actually, 99.9% of the jazz/pop music popular use the term keys over piano - in fact, you may or may not know, that during the 1970s and early 80s the term 'steam piano' was used frequently to determine the distinction between the two models. This was before my time though (as I did not turn pro until I was aged 17 in 1986).

Thank you once again for taking the time to check out the link, and also your kind words. There is far too much 'negativity' in the online world, in my opinion.
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Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

Go with his ideas on tunes. Question his punctuation. ;-)


Yes, quite! Actually, he really loved the tune and so did my composition tutor! :up:

Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

btw - I NEVER receive email 'notifications' of new replies to my threads. I just checked on the settings page and everything looks as though it has been configured correctly. Perhaps this is a feature which has now been disabled (since I last frequented this forum a couple of years ago)? Hence the delayed response time on my part.
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Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

btw - I NEVER receive email 'notifications' of new replies to my threads. I just checked on the settings page and everything looks as though it has been configured correctly. Perhaps this is a feature which has now been disabled (since I last frequented this forum a couple of years ago)? Hence the delayed response time on my part.
Check your hotmail spam folder. You may have to whitelist the address those emails come from.
Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

btw - I NEVER receive email 'notifications' of new replies to my threads. I just checked on the settings page and everything looks as though it has been configured correctly. Perhaps this is a feature which has now been disabled (since I last frequented this forum a couple of years ago)? Hence the delayed response time on my part.

If you think the settings are OK but you're not getting emails, pop a post in the "Support Area". Describe the problem and remember to tell the admins what device you're using, which operating system and which browser.

For what it's worth, I turned off the email notifications within days of joining the forum. There's enough stuff coming into my inbox every day without adding to it. This thread alone would have ended up with you receiving around 20 separate emails. Do you really want that? It's a lot easier to leave the forum open in your browser all the time and, once in a while, pop in, click on "Quick Links" then "My Threads" and just take note of which thread titles are in bold. Those in bold have new responses.
Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

You may have to whitelist the address those emails come from.

Cheers GoesStation.

What would be the email address (for this site) of which I would need to add to my Hotmail 'safe senders' list, please?

Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

If you think the settings are OK but you're not getting emails, pop a post in the "Support Area". Describe the problem and remember to tell the admins what device you're using, which operating system and which browser.

For what it's worth, I turned off the email notifications within days of joining the forum. There's enough stuff coming into my inbox every day without adding to it. This thread alone would have ended up with you receiving around 20 separate emails. Do you really want that? It's a lot easier to leave the forum open in your browser all the time and, once in a while, pop in, click on "Quick Links" then "My Threads" and just take note of which thread titles are in bold. Those in bold have new responses.


You are correct. I should have posted this question under separate cover rather than tag it onto an existing, and unrelated, discussion.

Actually, you do make some excellent points regarding the inconvenience(s) of selecting 'instant email notifications'. I can see how such a scenario might drive the recipient mad! I would also like to say that this thread has attracted far more responses than I ever anticipated. ;-)

Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

Cheers GoesStation.

What would be the email address (for this site) of which I would need to add to my Hotmail 'safe senders' list, please?


Hi Paul,

To find out, I used the "Send email" link on my Profile page to send myself email. The email came from usingenglish.unitedhosting.co.uk.
Re: Correct Usage Of A Question Mark

To find out, I used the "Send email" link on my Profile page to send myself email. The email came from usingenglish.unitedhosting.co.uk.

Many thanks for taking the time to kindly gather this information, GoesStation. I shall test it out tomorrow...

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