[General] projects which are valued at one billion dollars and 400 million dollars respectively

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Apr 15, 2017
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In the last 10 years, I participated in two major residential projects which are valued at one billion dollars and 400 million dollars respectively. It requires consistent hard work and communication with the owners of the land. I’ve learned that consistency is key to get the job done. Consistently improving a little bit each day will receive great rewards in life.
Re: a few sentences

In the last 10 years, I participated in two major residential projects which are valued at one billion dollars and 400 million dollars respectively. It requires consistent hard work and communication with the owners of the land. I’ve learned that consistency is key to [STRIKE]get [/STRIKE] getting the job done. Consistently improving a little bit each day will receive great rewards in life.

Are the projects completed or on-going?
As emsr2d2 told you in your last thread, "lyyfeb707, as you can see, I have changed your thread title. Titles should include some/all of the words/phrases you are querying".

Isn't that a more interesting, eye-catching title than the one you gave it?


I see you have posted the same thread in English Forums.

We recommend posting a question on one forum only initially. If you do not get a satisfactory answer from that forum and you feel that you have exhausted its possibilities, then of course trying a different forum might help. It is only courteous however, to tell the second forum that you have already asked the question on another forum and then give a precis of the answers you received there, or provide a link to it, along with an explanation of why you are now looking elsewhere.
Last edited:
Also, lyyfeb707, you haven't asked us a question. You need to put your question or request in the main body of the post. For example, you could have opened with:

I wrote the following paragraph. I would be very grateful if you could check it and correct any errors.
"Respectively" is wrong in this sentence. You haven't named, identified, or listed any projects.
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