Once you have been bitten by a rabid animal it takes sometime symptoms to show.

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Feb 4, 2014
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Once you have been bitten by a rabid animal it takes sometime symptoms to show. Once symptoms have shown victims die within eight to ten days of being bitten.

Please check my sentence. Is it correct to say "symptoms to show" or "once symptoms have shown"?
The second sentence isn't very logical. Check them for spacing, articles and propositions.
Look up the difference between "sometime" and "some time".
Once you have been bitten by a rabid animal it takes sometime symptoms to show. Once symptoms have shown victims die within eight to ten days of being bitten.

Please check my sentence. Is it correct to say "symptoms to show" or "once symptoms have shown"?

You need a preposition. Also, I would say "... symptoms to appear" or "... symptoms to present themselves."

I presume you're talking about what happens if the individual doesn't get rabies shots.
You need a preposition. Also, I would say "... symptoms to appear" or "... symptoms to present themselves."

I presume you're talking about what happens if the individual doesn't get rabies shots.

Once you have been bitten by a rabid animal it takes some time symptoms to appear. Once the symptoms have appeared patients die within eight to ten days of being bitten.

I checked their meanings but I am still a bit confused. Could you please explain it to me? Have I written them correctly now?
You need a preposition.

Once you have been bitten by a rabid animal it takes some time for symptoms to appear. Once the symptoms have appeared patients die within eight to ten days of being bitten.

I checked their meanings but I am still a bit confused. Could you please explain it to me? Have I written them correctly now?
Once you have been bitten by a rabid animal, it takes some time for symptoms to appear. Once the symptoms have appeared, patients die within eight to ten days of being bitten.

I checked their meanings but I am still a bit confused. Could you please explain it to me? Have I written them correctly now?

"for" is the correct preposition there. What did you check the meanings of? I find the idea rather confusing. How long is "some time"? I assumed it might be something like a week. If that's the case and the symptoms appear after a week, then the patient dies within eight to ten days of being bitten, then they die 1-3 days after their symptoms appear. Is that correct?
That was the logical issue I mentioned earlier.
That was the logical issue I mentioned earlier.

:oops: I missed that. I'm usually good at reading all previous replies to make sure I'm not just repeating someone else's advice/question. I blame Wimbledon - it's very distracting, you know.
Once you have been bitten by a rabid animal it takes some time for symptoms to appear. Once the symptoms have appeared, patients die within eight to ten days of being bitten.

I checked their meanings but I am still a bit confused. Could you please explain it to me? Have I written it correctly now?

What are you confused about?


You need to rephrase the last sentence.
What are you confused about?


You need to rephrase the last sentence.

I am confused about the difference between "sometime" and "some time".
"for" is the correct preposition there. What did you check the meanings of? I find the idea rather confusing. How long is "some time"? I assumed it might be something like a week. If that's the case and the symptoms appear after a week, then the patient dies within eight to ten days of being bitten, then they die 1-3 days after their symptoms appear. Is that correct?

Symptoms can take from 3-4 days to 25 years to appear. The longest rabies symptoms have taken to appear in any case is 25 years. It depends where you have been bitten. Are my sentences correct?

I am confused about the difference between the meaning of "sometime" and "some time".
I am confused about the difference between the meaning of "sometime" and "some time".
sometime = at some point
some time = a length of time, possibly quite a long time.

When are you going to do your homework?
I'll do it sometime. Stop nagging me!

How long will it take you to do your homework?
It will take me some time. It's quite difficult.
Symptoms can take from 3-4 days to 25 years to appear. The longest rabies symptoms have taken to appear in any case is 25 years. It depends where you have been bitten. Are my sentences correct?

All your sentences are grammatically correct. However, the logic issue is now even worse. If the patient always dies within eight to ten days of being bitten, it's impossible for them to still be alive 25 years later.
That's the slow-acting kind.
Not a teacher

Hello, Tufguy

The problem with your original sentence is that it can be easily misinterpreted. In fact, it is just incorrect.

Once you have been bitten by a rabid animal it takes sometime symptoms to show.
This is how I understand your sentence:
A rabid animal bites me → time passes → symptoms appear.

Once symptoms have shown victims die within eight to ten days of being bitten.
This is how I understand your sentence:
A rabid animal bites me → time passes → I die.

In both sentences you refer to the time that passes between:
Being bitten and the presence of symptoms (in sentence 1).
Being bitten and death (in sentence 2).

Based on your second sentence in particular, I understand that after a rabid animal bites me, I die within eight to ten days. This is incorrect, and this is what you need to fix in the first place. The information conveyed by your sentence is counterfactual.

Lyssavirus is complex enough to cause problems when you're trying to describe how it kills. There are two [simplification] stages that need to be considered and explained separately. Otherwise, the reader will be confused, and consequently misunderstand what you mean.

The first stage, which begins after the virus enters your organism, is when the virus travels through the nervous system to the brain. During the first stage, there are no symptoms.
The second stage, which begins after the virus enters your brain, is when symptoms appear, and Lyssavirus starts killing its host.

The second stage is, indeed, very short. However, the duration of the first stage can vary enormously depending on where you were bitten (basically, how "far" away from the head you were bitten).

Try to make it absolutely clear that you're referring to two different periods of time.
A rabid animal bites me → time (1) passes → symptoms appear → time (2) passes → I die.
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I understand that rabies shots are quite painful. They are, however, preferable to the alternative (death).
I understand that rabies shots are quite painful. They are, however, preferable to the alternative (death).

There was a famous case of a teenage girl (15 if I remember correctly) that was the first confirmed case of a person who survived rabies after symptoms were already present. A genius doctor treated her with an experimental procedure that is now used to give a slight chance of survival. It's not really a cure per se, but it's better than death.

My knowledge may be outdated, though; It's been a while.

EDIT: A link for those who are curious.
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I understand that rabies shots are quite painful. They are, however, preferable to the alternative (death).

The treatment used to require a series of thirty painful shots. Nowadays only four shots are needed and they're much less painful.
All your sentences are grammatically correct. However, the logic issue is now even worse. If the patient always dies within eight to ten days of being bitten, it's impossible for them to still be alive 25 years later.

No, read about it on the internet and you will find out that usually people die within two weeks once symptoms have appeared but exceptions are always there.
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