NATO Secretary General congratulated the President-elect Donald on his election victory (Can you please help me if there are any grammatical issues )

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Mona Ibrahim

Junior Member
Dec 29, 2021
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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg congratulated the President-elect Donald Trump on his election victory and said that “I was looking forward to welcoming President-elect Trump to Brussels for the NATO Summit next year “. And that’s although trump’s opposite opinion to NATO. On the other side, After British Prime minister Teresa May congratulated Trump. She said that "We are, and will remain, strong and close partners on trade, security and defense.”

She released an official statement that declared that “I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next president of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign.
Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. I look forward to working with president-elect Donald Trump, building on these ties to ensure the security and prosperity of our nations in the years ahead.”
While we wait for your question, Mona Ibrahim, can you find the glaring mistake in your second sentence? "And that’s although trump’s opposite opinion to NATO."
While we wait for your question, Mona Ibrahim, can you find the glaring mistake in your second sentence? "And that’s although trump’s opposite opinion to NATO."
I don't know. Can you please let me know what the grammatical issues are
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I don't know. Can you please let me know what's what the grammatical issues are?

Before we worry about the grammar, I'm sure you can spot the capitalisation error!
I would like to know if there are any grammatical issues in my sentence above. Appreciate your support in advance.

Don't forget that you need to include your question or request in post #1 of every thread.
What should the fourth word be?
Before we worry about the grammar, I'm sure you can spot the capitalisation error!
I really appreciate your comments and put them in my consideration in leaning English
Can you please clarify what's the issue for this sentence ?
"And that’s although trump’s opposite opinion to NATO." What do all proper nouns begin with? :)
I get it now it should be "Trump" is that only the issue ?
No, it's not the only problem.

"And that's although Trump's opposition opinion to NATO" doesn't make any sense. What do you think it means? Look carefully at the word "although". It's not the word you need.
And that’s although Trump’s opposite opinion to NATO.

"Although" is incorrect. As written, the sentence is ungrammatical. The word you need is "despite".

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And that’s although Trump’s opposite opinion to NATO.

"Although" is incorrect. As written, the sentence is ungrammatical. The word you need is "despite".

Cross-posted with emsr2d2.
So, it should be that’s despite Trump’s opposite opinion to NATO. Am I right now
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