[General] My Favorite Place to Escape

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Feb 18, 2014
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My favorite place to escape to is my front porch swing.As I swing back and forth ,I feel the breeze brush against my face.I can smell the coffee brewing from the kitchen window;I can almost taste it.When I look up from reading my Jesus Calling passage Isee the dogs frolickingin the dew soaked grass.I feel the warmth from the sun peeping through the cluster of pine trees across the street.The sound of the kids playing inside and the roaring of the cars rushing down the highway are not chaotic at all. My mind and body are so relaxed I feel I could melt.I think this is what heaven must be like.My mind wonders as I think about all the memories my family has made here.The squeaking of the porch swing brings me back to reality.I get up go inside pour my coffee and start my day.
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