[Vocabulary] Memorizing words wich aren't used in everyday life or maybe they are?

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Oct 23, 2012
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Hello folks,

I didn't mean to open a new thread at first but I guess I have no choice.
I hope you can help me. I always thought my english is quiet good and I guess it's enough to kinda get along with it in everyday life but when I'm watching movies or read a book in english I'm a little shocked how many words I don't know.

I guess my main problem is to memorize words wich I don't use regularly.

e.g. words like those I used in the paragraph above are absolutely no problem but when I'm reading and encounter words like palbably or predictable I either have to think about them for about an hour to get the meaning or I have to look them up in a dictionary.

So what I hope you're able to show me is a way to memorize words like "predictable" just as easy as words like "hello".

I hope the post didn't get too long for you to read :)

Thanks in advance for your help

Sascha Jung
Hello folks,

I didn't mean to open a new thread at first but I guess I have no choice.
I hope you can help me. I always thought my English is [STRIKE]quiet[/STRIKE] quite good and I guess it's enough to [STRIKE]kinda[/STRIKE] kind of get along with it in everyday life but when I'm watching movies or reading a book in English I'm a little shocked how many words I don't know.

I guess my main problem is [STRIKE]to memorize[/STRIKE] memorizing words wich I don't use regularly, e.g. words like those I used in the paragraph above are absolutely no problem but when I'm reading and encounter words like [STRIKE]palbably[/STRIKE] "palpably" or "predictable" I either have to think about them for about an hour to get the meaning or I have to look them up in a dictionary.

So what I hope you're able to show me is a way to memorize words like "predictable" just as easy as words like "hello".

I hope the post didn't get too long for you to read. :)

Thanks in advance for your help.

Sascha Jung

Welcome to the forum. I'm not sure why you didn't want to open a new thread. You have a perfectly good question. I wish there were a simple answer for you! My usual advice for learning new words is to learn a whole sentence which contains the word, and to make it a sentence which means something personal to you. For example, imagine you have a sister who always wears red shoes, even if they do not match her clothes. You could learn "My sister always wears red shoes. She is so predictable!" (meaning that you can always predict the colour of her shoes).

This method might not work for everyone but it seems to work for my students, and it works for me when I'm learning new vocabulary in a foreign language.

I made a couple of amendments to your post in red. Remember to always capitalise proper nouns (such as English) and to end every sentence with the appropriate punctuation mark.
Thank you very much for your quick and helpful answer. It was so obvious but I never thought about building sentences like this. And thank you for the amendments. Those are tips you can't get out of my English teacher. I hope I can learn something with this method but I'll sure try it.
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