Live Olympics late night match.

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Feb 4, 2014
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"Today I turned on the TV and saw that an Olympics match was still on it was a live broadcasting. It was between France and Brasil but I was surprised because there is a fifteen and a half hour differnce between India and Brasil timing. It was a late night match."

Please check.
"Today I turned on the TV and saw that an Olympics match was still on. It was a live broadcast. [STRIKE]ing.[/STRIKE] It was between France and Brazil. [STRIKE]but[/STRIKE] I was surprised because there is a fifteen and a half hour time difference between India and Brazil. [STRIKE]timing[/STRIKE] It was a late night match."

Please check.

It's rather wordy although I've left your construction and just amended the grammar. You definitely need to say what sport they were playing! Here's what I would say (I have guessed at the sport):

I turned on the TV and found that they were showing the India vs Brazil handball match live. I was a little surprised that it was live due to the time difference between India and Brazil but it must have been a late night match.
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