It is important "to" me to stay on task.


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Dec 30, 2006
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It is important to me to stay on task. (My bold.)
Source: Su Chin and Li Weizhen, English Grammar Makes Sense, p160.

Can I use "for me" instead of "to me" in the above sentence?
1. It is important to me to stay on task. (My bold.)
2. It is important for me to stay on task. (My bold.)
Source: Su Chin and Li Weizhen, English Grammar Makes Sense, p160.

According to the book:
In #1, "it" refers to "to stay on task."
In #2, "it" refers to "for me to stay on task."

Do native speakers agree with the above linguistic analysis?
I disagree. It's a dummy "it". If it refers to anything, it's simply "stay on task".

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