is with plural

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Junior Member
Oct 2, 2008
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Student or Learner
Which is correct and why?

1) Is Mary and her mother coming?
2) Are Mary and her mother coming?
3) There is one apple and two oranges here.
4) There are one apple and two oranges here.
5) Is there anybody here?
6) Are there anybody here?

Thank you
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I don't know. I'm confused, that's why I'm asking.
Which is correct and why?

1) Is Mary and her mother coming? :cross:
2) Are Mary and her mother coming? :tick:
3) There is one apple and two oranges here. :?:
4) There are one apple and two oranges here. :?:
5) Is there anybody here? :tick:
6) Are there anybody here? :cross:

Thank you


1+2) 2 persons, that means you have to use are
5+6) Anybody = 3rd person singular, you have to use is

3+4) I guess nr. 4 is correct, but I'm not 100% sure.

P.S: **Neither a teacher nor native speaker**

I'll guess if you don't mind...I should practise.

The right answers are: 2; 4; 5.

Am I right? Thank you in advance.
This forum is for people to share, help each other and discuss. I am not asking you or any member to do my homework. You seemed to be saying that if I don't give something, don't expect anything back. I think you are very rude. If you don't want to help me, just keep quiet.

P/s I heard those sentences spoken very quickly but am not sure which one I actually heard, that's why I asked.
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euncu said in his post exactly what I would have said. By posting sentences and asking "which is correct" it certainly looks like your homework. We DO ask that people try to do it themselves first, and if they do not, to ask their specific question about what is confusing them. There is nothing rude in what he posted. I can't say the same for your response.
I think my mistake was I didn't start off politely by putting the words 'Dear teachers, Would you please tell me.... or would you be so kind as to .....' Many of the threads here started off like that.... straight to the point. I thought it was directness of openess. But I certainly made the mistake of not starting politely and I think that gives a very bad impression. I don't think it was so much my question. All my threads I have started with Dear Teachers.... and they were answered except this one. If you and Euncu would be so kind as to check my previous posts. I do not wish to be selfish. So maybe that was the offending part as I have read again and again my words and the many others who also posted here. The situation was I heard some lines spoken on a podcast and wasn't sure and immediately typed it in this forum. That was all. Then somebody just posted here to say he wants to hear my opinion but I don't have opinion on this as they sound right. I don't know the terms or names of grammar. It was just a straight forward confusion for me so I said I don't know and confused, that's why I'm asking. Euncu just shot me with one sentence that implied I am selfish and can't ask members' effort and now as a moderator you said you would said the same thing and that you 'certainly' think it was my homework. I am 74 and I have no homework. My homework is looking after my grandchildren. As a moderator, you read his words and say he is nothing rude but you read my words and said I am by your words 'I can't say the same for your response.' Which means I am rude. You try to understand his words meaning but you didnt understand my meaning which is not selfish by not wanting to contribute and only asking members' efforts.

Take for example Julianna's post today titled "please,would you like to help me to correct this conclusion" she only put the whole paragraph and Anglika corrected it and Euncu add on without asking her to give her opinion.

Another example is by anupumh. Also today. He asked what will be the correct statement and he posted the questions which looked more like something from homework or test. And Euncu did not ask his opinion but give various answers.

So in other words it was probably just discrimination against me as a cantonese speaker or my nationality from both the MODERATOR and a Turkish person. In all your posts there is not even one that you ask them to give opinion. And in all your posts you answered someone who did not try to answer or give their opinion first.

I am very sad that a MODERATOR here also said he/she would say like Euncu. It is very strong words from you to me. Do you implied I am not welcome in this forum?

I am sorry if I have offended other people on this forum by being selfish and not contributing. My sincere apologies. I don't contribute because I don't know the terms (names) for the grammar and I am not a native speaker. I speak by listening to others speak. But it is very hurting what the Moderator here told me off.

I know it is my loss if I leave this forum but there are other forums. Thank you other nice moderators and friends who have helped me.
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It's 03:15 am here, but I will answer anyway.

PelajarBaru, I'm sorry for you that you've experienced bad things here.
Maybe you focused too much on euncu's post.
I believe he only wanted to help you.
Sometimes it's easier for you when you write what you guess even if it's very confusing.
This shows your thoughts and sometimes it can be easier for others to help you.
I know the other threads you mentioned, but they don't contain a "this vs. this"-sentence.
(I guess you know what I mean.)

By the way:
3) There is one apple and two oranges here.
4) There are one apple and two oranges here

It can be possible that the speaker says:
There's one apple and two oranges here.
This would be also right, because you cannot really spell "there're".

Moderators are also only humans, and every moderator has his own opinion.

Just don't take it too personal, mate ;-)

Just a small addition:
In my opinion it's better first to check the user's join date and posts before blamming him.
Sometimes guests create threads where even a blind would see that it's just a lazy kid who has no interest to do his/her homework.
In this case I would understand it if someone rebuffs such a guy.
However, we should not treat users this way who joined years ago and have many good threads.
(It's just my opinion, and it's no offense (or offence, dear bhaisahab =)) against anyone!)

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Thank you very much for your kind words.
So, it seems my question was so common sense it really did seemed I was not serious? But I hear many people say there's an apple and two oranges (not those exact items though) and also people who say there're an apple and two oranges (or whatever the things). Likewise the other sentences. But in my country there are also not many people fluent in actual English. Why I said 'actual' because in my country many people speak only English in their lives but their English is something like pidgin English or Manglish (Malaysian English).
Anyway, thank you very much for your help.
If you seriously think I discriminate against people who are from any country or who speak any language, then you have not read any of my posts. It's incredibly insulting to be told I'm a racist. On the other hand, pointing out that we don't do homework for people is something that ANY moderator would say to ANY poster. Someone else simply said it first.

You have assured us that this is not your homework. Fine.

Now, to the point: It's very common to begin "There's" with a contracted "There is" before a plural list.

There's an apple and two bananas - take whichever you want.

It would feel very unnatural to me to way "There is two bananas" -- in fact, incorrect. It would feel unnatural to me to say "There are an apple..." even if "and two bananas" came next.

Some of these exercises seem designed to highlight picky points in grammar that native speakers don't spend a moment's time thinking about. In real life, we change the direction of our sentences all the time. We start out talking about the apple and then remember there are some banana too. Or we say "There's some fruit on the table... help yourself." Unless you have an exam in this, don't let this stand in the way of simply speaking.

And try to get past this feelings of persecution.
"So in other words it was probably just discrimination against me as a cantonese speaker or my nationality from both the MODERATOR and a Turkish person. In all your posts there is not even one that you ask them to give opinion. And in all your posts you answered someone who did not try to answer or give their opinion first."

Here, I wrote "in all your posts there is not even one ......" I meant Euncu.
Regardless of who you meant, no one here discriminates against anyone else based on country, language, religion, etc!
That is great assurance. I have let anger clouded my mind and became narrow minded. I apologise to Barb_D and Euncu for saying they probably discriminate against me. But I still think they had been bias (so does this word have the same effect as discriminate which you so strongly angry with?)

I was angry first because Euncu said I can't ask other members effort and don't give mine, then Barb_D supported him by his first sentence followed by more reinforcement that I asked homework questions and then lastly one more reinforcement saying I am rude and nothing rude about Euncu's saying. Quote 'euncu said in his post exactly what I would have said. By posting sentences and asking "which is correct" it certainly looks like your homework. We DO ask that people try to do it themselves first, and if they do not, to ask their specific question about what is confusing them. There is nothing rude in what he posted. I can't say the same for your response."Unquote.
Let's move on, with cooler head all around.

I hope you found my comment on a native speaker's approach to "There's" helpful. In a broader context, I hope you don't worry too much about what is absolutely correct before you jump in and try to express things. Some people have a fear of saying anything until they say it perfectly. Don't fall victim to that - just say it any old way and the more you read the more natural some of these things will begin to feel. (And if that does not apply to you, perhaps someone else will take encouragement and not worry about perfection.)
After having read what PelajarBaru had written, I felt I was in the twilight zone. The degree of the absurdity of the condition in which I've found myself is beyond my imagination. I wouldn't answer back if the accusations were not severely baseless and unfair.

I think my mistake was I didn't start off politely by putting the words 'Dear teachers, Would you please tell me.... or would you be so kind as to .....' Many of the threads here started off like that.... straight to the point. I thought it was directness of openess. But I certainly made the mistake of not starting politely and I think that gives a very bad impression. I don't think it was so much my question. All my threads I have started with Dear Teachers.... and they were answered except this one.

A poster could be polite when asking a question without adding things like "please", "Dear teachers", etc. So, let alone expecting such a prelude I rarely use that kind of opening in my posts when asking. The question itself manifests its politeness/rudeness.You can see that kind of posts using imperatives while adding "please".

If you and Euncu would be so kind as to check my previous posts.

I won't check your previous posts as you did for my posts.

I do not wish to be selfish. So maybe that was the offending part as I have read again and again my words and the many others who also posted here. The situation was I heard some lines spoken on a podcast and wasn't sure and immediately typed it in this forum. That was all. Then somebody just posted here to say he wants to hear my opinion but I don't have opinion on this as they sound right. I don't know the terms or names of grammar.

As a "somebody", all I can say about this is;

If you'd been an older member you would have probably known that it is customary here to expect that the OP don't ask questions directly, first they should try to solve the problems themselves and if they can't figure those questions out , only then they ask the members for their help. This kind of filtering enables the forums to be more effective.

It was just a straight forward confusion for me so I said I don't know and confused, that's why I'm asking. Euncu just shot me with one sentence that implied I am selfish and can't ask members' effort and now as a moderator you said you would said the same thing and that you 'certainly' think it was my homework. I am 74 and I have no homework. My homework is looking after my grandchildren.

What I've just mentioned above applies to this part. I'm really not able to understand by any means how one can infer from what I said such a conclusion (I mean the one about being selfish). As for the age part, in my country, the old people are respected just because of their ages. I think it is based on the assumption that the old people have wisdom but after your baseless accusations, you missed the very opportunity to show that you had one.

As a moderator, you read his words and say he is nothing rude but you read my words and said I am by your words 'I can't say the same for your response.' Which means I am rude. You try to understand his words meaning but you didnt understand my meaning which is not selfish by not wanting to contribute and only asking members' efforts.

Take for example Julianna's post today titled "please,would you like to help me to correct this conclusion" she only put the whole paragraph and Anglika corrected it and Euncu add on without asking her to give her opinion.

Another example is by anupumh. Also today. He asked what will be the correct statement and he posted the questions which looked more like something from homework or test. And Euncu did not ask his opinion but give various answers.

So in other words it was probably just discrimination against me as a cantonese speaker or my nationality from both the MODERATOR and a Turkish person. In all your posts there is not even one that you ask them to give opinion. And in all your posts you answered someone who did not try to answer or give their opinion first.

I took granted that both Julianna and anupumh knew very well how the things were going around here since they were older members. It is both about the counts of posts and the previous interactions among us. So, if you are to talk about a discrimination this might be your basis. I probably wouldn't say the things I had said to you to a member or a senior member.If you called it discrimination among the members, it would have been an accusation to be discussed, but you went way beyond that. Although I am not as touchy as you've been being, what do you imply by emphasizing my nationality? Do you accuse the Turkish people of being racist ? I, definitely,
by no means, can't accept such an accusation. Being a racist is what is the most against my character and the way of my thinking. This is a direct insult ,and the most baseless, the most unfair one. Like in other countries, there are some people in my country who can be called racist/fascist, which correspond just a small portion of the Turkish people. Let alone I am not one them , I don't think they even dream about discriminating against a Cantonese-speaker even if they knew about what the word "Cantonese" is. What makes you think that the Turkish people would be against the Cantonese-speakers, this is very odd.

I have never thought that I would be accused like this way and this is my ultimate answer to your accusations (insults) and my final post to a thread started by PelajarBaru. If you still intend to hold a meaningless grudge against me , there is nothing I can do about this, just like I've said I won't be answering your posts even they involve insults. (Of this matter I believe that the moderators are very sensitive)
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I apologise to Barb_D and Euncu for saying they probably discriminate against me.

What about this, euncu?

And by the way:
PelajarBaru has left the forums because a moderator (whose name I won't be telling you) directly insulted him via private messages.
Sad sad... :-|

What about this, euncu?

And by the way:
PelajarBaru has left the forums because a moderator (whose name I won't be telling you) directly insulted him via private messages.
Sad sad... :-|


I have answered a few of PelajarBaru's posts, he has always been very polite and appreciative.
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