Is it ok by you if we send the offer by Monday.

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Jan 10, 2022
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Please correct any errors in the email below.

Dear Mrs. X,

Is it ok by you if we send the offer by Monday.

We are still assessing the project and tomorrow we are closed so we will definitely send it by Monday.

Do you mean you're going to send it on Monday? Or before then?
Please correct any errors in the email below.

Dear Mrs. X,

Is it ok OK/okay by with you if we send the offer by Monday.

We are still assessing the project. and Tomorrow we are closed so but we will definitely send it by Monday.

Respectfully, Yours faithfully
Please note my changes above. I have underlined four words/phrases.

1. I have the same question as Tarheel - are you going to send it before Monday? (Both instances of "by" refer.)
2. What does "assessing the project" mean?
3. What does "it" refer to?
Please note my changes above. I have underlined four words/phrases.

1. I have the same question as Tarheel - are you going to send it before Monday? (Both instances of "by" refer.)
2. What does "assessing the project" mean?
3. What does "it" refer to?

Dear Mrs. X,

Is it okay with you if we send the offer on Monday?

We are still studying the loads and the optimal solution for your project.

Yours faithfully
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That's better. "OK by you" is too informal for a business letter.

By the way the spelling of optimal was incorrect.
@Joj You need a question mark at the end of the first sentence.
That's better. "OK by you" is too informal for a business letter.

By the way the spelling of optimal was incorrect.
What should i use instead of ok by you?
Ok what should i use instead of "okay with you"?
I don't understand why you want to change it. It's fine as is.
What should I use instead of ok "OK/okay by you"?
Ok OK/Okay. What should I use instead of ok "OK/okay with you"?
Joj, you really need to stop making these basic mistakes. You must capitalise the word "I" every time you write it. "OK" is always capitalised (both letters) regardless of where it comes in the sentence. You can also use "okay" if it's not the first word, or "Okay" if it is the first word. Do not use "Ok" or "ok".

I wouldn't bother with the "OK by/with you" part at all, even if you reword it. Just give the client the pertinent information.

Dear Mrs X,

We are still studying the loads and working on the optimal solution for your project. We will send you the details on Monday.

Yours faithfully
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